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Data Upload

To upload data into the Task Mining project and start working with its functionality:

  1. Register and log in to Timeline.
  2. Create a new project with Task Mining - Recording Service 5.3 and later selected as the data source.
    To select a data source, click Edit project details > Data sources and select Task Mining - Recording Service 5.3 and later.
  3. Record user's actions with ABBYY Recorder.
  4. Load the logs from ABBYY Recording Service into Timeline. To do this:
    1. Open the Logs tab on the ABBYY Recording Service page.
    2. Select logs to upload.
      Important. The value in the Version column should be 5.3.
    3. Click Load to project in the top right corner.
      A page will open, where you will have to enter your Timeline credentials (i.e. your e-mail address and password). Click Allow to give ABBYY Recording Service the permission to upload logs into Timeline.
    4. In the opened Project list, choose the created project and click Select.

      ABBYY Recording Service will inform you about log import. Click and then the link with the project name to navigate to the Task Mining project homepage.

Important. For logs recorded in the Standalone mode or using ABBYY Recorder 5.2, use Task Mining version 5.2 and earlier.

9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM

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