English (English)

Cost definition

You can estimate how much money your company will save from task automation. For example, you know the hourly rate of an employee who performs a certain task. Set this rate in Cost definition to see the save that is displayed in Automation Candidates table on the homepage.

To specify the cost of a task:

  1. Click Cost definition on the project homepage.
  2. In the Cost definition dialog box, enter:
    1. The hourly rate or fixed cost for the task (if both values are specified, only the fixed cost will be used in calculations).
    2. The currency to be used (the same currency will also be used in the Cost configuration dialog box of your Task Mining project).
  3. Click Save. ABBYY Timeline will calculate the amount you can save and display the result in executive summary section.

Important. Within a Task Mining project, you can specify the cost of the following two different objects:

  • In the Cost definition dialog box, you can specify the cost of a task.
  • In Tools > Cost configuration, you can specify the cost of an event. For details, see Cost Analysis.

9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM

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