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Task Mining

A technology that uses desktop user interaction data to define tasks and create their digital representation. ABBYY Timeline features make it possible to forecast process development, visualize and manage data, and identify the root cause of a possible problem at different stages of the business process.


A set of repeatable user actions in various applications, which corresponds to some business process scenario. For example, creating invoices, booking tickets, etc. Timeline allows to create interactive digital twins of these actions that become tasks of a task mining project.


A single occurrence of a business process step.


A part of an application interface that a user interacts with, e.g. a button, a drop-down menu, a text input box, a checkbox, etc.


A record of user actions on a computer when performing tasks. The log contains information about involved events and controls, associated screenshots, and service information.


A part of the user interface of web or desktop application and controls within it which user interacts with. The program detects forms' boundaries using, for instance, interface redrawing or applications switching.

For example, in order to send a parcel, a user fills in different order pages: enters the recipient data, selects the desired delivery date, enters payment data. After processing the log with recorded user actions, the program finds 3 forms.

Form view

One of the recorded work scenarios with the same form.

For example, when booking tickets for company employees a user fills the same form several times. As a result the log contains as many form views as tickets were booked.

Task instance

One of the variations of user actions on a computer when performing the same task.

For example, a user issues invoices to a company's customers. After creating 2 invoices, they gets 2 instances of the same task in the log with different data and performed differently.

Task definition

A template that contains settings for search and extraction task instances in the log.

Cutting logs

A process of converting logs into timelines according to task definition templates.

Automation candidates

A task recommended by Timeline for further automation. A list of candidates is shown on the homepage after defining tasks. The automation of these tasks saves time and money for your business.

Candidates distribution

A chart that helps to assess the complexity of tasks and determine benefit from their automation.

9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM

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