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ABBYY Timeline may send you automatically generated e-mail notifications to confirm your registration, to report errors, or to inform you about important system events.

All such notifications will be generated from a standard template and may contain buttons or links enabling you to quickly navigate to the relevant ABBYY Timeline page.

Note: Please do not reply to such automatically generated e-mail notifications. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our technical support service at support@abbyy.com.

Here is an example of an e-mail notification you may receive from ABBYY Timeline:

Automatic e-mail notifications you may receive from ABBYY Timeline fall into the following six categories:

  • Account
    These are login- or password-related notifications.
  • Subscription
    These notifications contain information about the status of your subscription.
  • Alert notifications
    These are sent if you have configured alerts for timeline events.
  • Shared access
    These notifications inform you about shared access to projects, repositories or dashboards.
  • Automatic data upload and export
    These notifications contain information about the result of automated data upload or export.
  • Other

22.09.2023 8:59:47

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