
When you upgrade ABBYY FlexiCapture, you also need to upgrade all your projects. You can use the UpgradeProject command to upgrade all your projects to the latest version of ABBYY FlexiCapture.




Specifies a project.

You can specify any of the following:

  • the full path to a local project
  • the path to a project on a server
  • the name of a project on a server (the /Server parameter must be specified)

If no project is specified, the command will process all the projects on the server.

/Server Optional The server containing the project that should be upgraded.
/Tenant Optional The name of the tenant containing the project that should be upgraded.
/U Optional User name.

If no user name is specified, Windows authentication will be used.
/P Optional Password.
/Cert Optional Certificate thumbprint used for mutual SSL authentication. This key is used to pass an encoded certificate hash for a server with Mutual SSL installed as a string.
/UpgradeDocDefs Flag

Upgrades a project's document definitions when the project is upgraded.

By default, Document Definitions in a project are not upgraded.

/SkipAutoupgradableParts Flag

Using this parameter will not upgrade a project's field extraction training batches and connected dictionaries when the project is upgraded.

By default, field extraction training batches and connected dictionaries are upgraded when the project is upgraded.

Note: When upgrading a project in a tenant, specify the ABBYY FlexiCapture administrator’s username and password in the /U and /P parameters respectively. Do not include the name of the tenant in the project URL.

Example of use:

UpgradeProject /Server="https://FCSRV" /Project="Banking_eng" /U=user /P=password

UpgradeProject /Server="https://FCSRV" /Project="Banking_eng" /U=user /P=password /Tenant=tenant /UpgradeDocDefs - upgrades the project and document definitions in the specified tenant.

4/12/2024 6:16:01 PM

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