Installing, removing, and updating ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 via the command line

Installing ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 via the command line in silent mode

ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 components can be installed in silent mode from the Command Prompt window. Silent mode is useful when you need to roll out ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 on a large number of computers simultaneously. No dialog boxes or information messages will be displayed (but you can choose to display a progress bar — see the note below).

Installing in silent mode offers the following benefits:

  • A user or administrator only needs to initiate the installation, no further actions or decisions are necessary.
  • A silent installation requires less CPU power compared to a standard installation.
  • A silent installation is faster, because no visual interaction is required.

To install ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 in silent mode:

  1. Open the Command Prompt window (cmd.exe) with administrator permissions.
  2. To install server components, run Servers x64.exe /qn.
    To install client components, run Stations x64.exe /qn.
    To install ABBYY FlexiCapture Standalone, run Setup.exe /qn.

Note: Replace the /qn switch with /qb if you want an installation progress bar to be displayed.

Additional command line options

/L <language code> disables the automatic selection of the interface language and installs ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 with the interface language specified at the command prompt.

Possible values:

  • 1033 for English
  • 1049 for Russian
  • 1031 for German
  • 1036 for French
  • 2052 for Chinese (Simplified)
  • 1034 for Spanish
  • 2074 for Serbian
  • 1029 for Czech
  • 1038 for Hungarian
  • 1045 for Polish
  • 1046 for Portuguese (Brazil)
  • 1042 for Korean

/V <commands> passes commands you enter at the command prompt directly to msiexec.exe. Replace <commands> with a combination of any of the following commands:

  • INSTALLDIR="<path to folder>"
    Replace <path to folder> with the path to the folder where ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 is to be installed.
  • SETUPTYPE_CMD="<install mode>"
    Replace <install mode> with any of the following modes:
    • Full installs the Administrator Station and Operator Station components.
      Besides the Administrator Station and Operator Station components, FormDesigner и FlexiLayout Studio will also be installed.
    • Admin installs the Administrator Station component.
      Besides the Administrator Station component, FormDesigner and FlexiLayout Studio will also be installed.
    • Operator installs the Operator Station component.
      No other components will be installed.
  • ADDLOCAL=ApplicationServer,WebStations,ProcessingServer,ProtectionServer installs server components.
    • ApplicationServer installs the Application Server component.
    • WebStations installs the Web Station component.
    • ProcessingServer installs the Processing Server component.
    • ProtectionServer installs the Licensing Server component.
  • STATIONS=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 installs client components.
    • 0 installs the Scanning Station.
    • 1 installs the Processing Station.
    • 2 installs the Verification Station.
    • 3 installs the Data Verification Station.
    • 4 installs the Project Setup Station.
    • 5 installs FlexiLayout Studio.
    • 6 installs FormDesigner.
  • ACCOUNTTYPE=Custom, LOGIN=<user name>, PASSWORD=<password> specifies the credentials of the account that is to be used to run the Processing Station service.
  • PROTECTIONSERVER=<server name> specifies the name of the Licensing Server.
  • IS_DBD=0 disables conversion of digital-born documents.
  • WIBU_USER_CMD="<key value>" is used to manage the installation of CodeMeter drivers. Replace <key value> with one of the following:
    • Yes installs the drivers (default value).
    • No does not install the drivers.

Example 1:
Servers x64.exe /qn /L1049 /vADDLOCAL=ApplicationServer,WebStations

This sequence of commands instructs the installer to install the Application Server and Web Station components with Russian for the GUI language.

Example 2:
Stations x64.exe /qn /L1049 /v INSTALLDIR="D:\FC12" STATIONS=1,4 ACCOUNTTYPE=Custom LOGIN=Domain\UserLogin PASSWORD=PSWD

This sequence of commands instructs the installer to install the Processing Station and the Project Setup Station components into the D:\FC12 folder with Russian for the GUI language and run the Processing Station service under the Domain\UserLogin account using PSWD for the password.

Example 3:
Setup.exe /qn /L1049 /v INSTALLDIR="D:\FC12" SETUPTYPE_CMD=Full

This sequence of commands instructs the installer to install ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 into the D:\FC12 folder with Russian for the GUI language.

Removing ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 via the command line in silent mode

To remove ABBYY FlexiCapture 12:

  1. Open the Command Prompt window (cmd.exe) with administrator permissions.
  2. Run this command: Msiexec /x {<product code>}
    Example: Msiexec /x {FC12000C-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

You can look up your product code in the following registry key:

Alternatively, you can find out your product code by running the following command: 
wmic product where "Name like '%FlexiCapture%'" get Name, Version, IdentifyingNumber

Updating ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 via the command line in silent mode

To update ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 components in silent mode:

  1. Open the Command Prompt window (cmd.exe) with administrator permissions.
  2. Run a component installation command.

Servers x64.exe /qn

Note: Replace the /qn switch with /qb if you want an installation progress bar to be displayed.

12.04.2024 18:16:01

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