
Multiple projects may use the same Document Definition. When you edit such a Document Definition in one project, you may want to copy it to the other projects. This will save time and prevent configuration errors. You can use the CopyDocumentDefinitions command to copy a Document Definition from one project to another. The command will overwrite any Document Definition having the same name as the Document Definition that you want to copy, changing its version number accordingly.

Note: When you copy a Document Definition, the changes will be published immediately. The previously published versions of this Document Definition will still be accessible to the program.


/Source Required

The source project containing the Document Definition that you want to copy.

You can specify either the full path to a local project or the path to a project stored on a server.

/Target Required

The target project where you want to copy the Document Definition.

You can specify either the full path to a local project or the path to a project stored on a server.

/Name Optional The name of the Document Definition that you want to copy.

If a Document Definition with this name already exists in the target project, it will be replaced. If no Document Definition is specified, all the Document Definitions will be copied.
/SourceU Optional User name.

If no user name is specified, Windows authentication will be used.
/SourceP Optional Password.
/SourceTenant Optional The tenant with the source project.
/SourceCert Optional Certificate thumbprint used for mutual SSL authentication on the server of the source project. This key is used to pass an encoded certificate hash for a server with Mutual SSL installed as a string.
/TargetU Optional User name.

If no user name is specified, Windows authentication will be used.
/TargetP Optional Password.
/TargetTenant Optional The tenant with the target project.
/TargetCert Optional Certificate thumbprint used for mutual SSL authentication on the server of the target project. This key is used to pass an encoded certificate hash for a server with Mutual SSL installed as a string.
/UpdateDataSets Flag If this switch is specified, the data sets from the source project will be copied to the target project.

Example of use:

CopyDocumentDefinition /Source="https://FCSRV/1/SingleEntryPoint" /Target=D:\Projects\SingleEntryPoint /SourceU=user /SourceP=password /Name="Banking_eng"

4/12/2024 6:16:01 PM

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