Recognition of text written using a Gothic script

ABBYY FineReader can help you recognize historical documents and books that have been written using a Gothic typeface in the English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Latvian languages. Working with such documents is different in several respects, as described below.

Gothic script recognition languages

To recognize text written in a Gothic typeface, the program uses the following 6 languages:

  1. Old English.
  2. Old French.
  3. Old German.
  4. Old Italian.
  5. Old Spanish.
  6. Latvian Gothic.

Supported Gothic fonts

You may need to install additional Windows fonts in order to have the text displayed in a Gothic typeface in the recognition results.

ABBYY FineReader supports the following Gothic scripts:

  1. Textur/Textualis — blackletter typeface.
  2. Fraktur — blackletter typeface with angluar strokes.
  3. Schwabacher — "broken" typeface with rounded strokes in some letters.

If no Gothic fonts are installed, the recognition results will be displayed in either Arial, Times, or Courier.

Instructions for recognizing text written in Gothic script

To recognize a document that contains Gothic typeface text, do the following:

  1. In the OCR Editor window, select More languages... from the Languages drop-down list on the main toolbar. In the Language Editor dialog that opens, select the  Specify OCR languages manually option and specify the appropriate language from the list. Then click OK.

    Selecting several recognition languages at the same time (e.g. English and Old English or German and old German) may negatively affect the recognition results. To avoid this, specify only the language that will be used to recognize the Gothic text.
    For more information on how to launch the OCR Editor, see Launching the OCR Editor.
  2. Scan or open the images.
    For more information, see Obtaining documents.
  3. Click the button on the main toolbar.

The recognition results will be displayed in the Text window.

Recognition results will be displayed in a Gothic font if the source document was written using a supported font that is installed on your machine. Otherwise, either Arial, Times, or Courier will be used.

If necessary, change the font of the results:

  1. Select the appropriate text.
  2. Click Properties in the context menu for that text.
  3. On the Text Properties panel, select the appropriate font from the list.

The document text will be displayed in the specified font.

6/12/2024 2:29:42 PM

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