Scanning paper documents

To scan a document:

  1. In the OCR Editor, click on the main toolbar or click File > Scan Pages....
  2. Select a scanning device and specify scanning settings.
  3. Click the Preview button or click anywhere inside the image.
  4. Review the image. If it is not satisfactory, change the scanning settings and click the Preview button again.
  5. Click Settings... and specify image processing options.
    These options determine the appearance and properties of the output document.
  6. Click Scan.
  7. If an OCR project is already open when you scan new pages, the scanned pages will be appended to the end of this project. If no OCR project is currently open, a new one will be created from the scanned pages

See Scanning tips for some tips on selecting the optimal scanning settings.

6/12/2024 2:29:42 PM

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