Integrating the verification stage
The instructions provided in this section assume that Windows authentication is used. Alternatively, you can use FlexiCapture or SAML authentication.
To load the Verification Station GUI and functionality into the <iframe> element, set the value of the src attribute to:
<stationUrl>/WinAuth/Verify?projectId=[project identifier]&roleId=[role identifier]&stageId=[stage identifier]&disableSendToStage=false&hideTaskInfo=false&disableChangeDefinition=false&taskId=[Itask identifier]&loadInColor=true&returnTo=DeadEnd&mode=mini&language=en-Us, where:
Name | Obligatory | Description |
<stationUrl> | ![]() |
The address of the Verification Station to be accessed by the third-party system. The default value is <serverName>/FlexiCapture12/Verification. |
WinAuth | Windows authentication parameter. | |
projectId | This parameter is obligatory if taskId is not specified | The ID of the project. If only project ID is specified, a random task will be taken from among the tasks available in this project. |
roleId | The ID of the Operator’s role. This parameter is not dependent on any of the other parameters. If no role ID is specified, the top-most role allowed for the user will be used for the task. | |
stageId | The ID of the stage from which to take the task. | |
disableSendToStage | If this parameter is set to true, the user will not have the option to send tasks to processing of his choice stage. The default setting is false, i.e. the Send Task to Stage... button is displayed in the GUI. | |
hideTaskInfo | If this parameter is set to true, the user will not have the option to view the information about the current batch. The default setting is false, i.e. the Batch Information button is displayed in the GUI. | |
disableChangeDefinition | If this parameter is set to true, the user will not have the option to change page sections, Document Definitions, or recognition settings. The default setting is false, i.e. all the corresponding buttons are displayed in the GUI. | |
taskId | This parameter is obligatory if projectId is not specified | The ID of the task that requires verification. If this parameter is not specified, a random task that meets the other parameters will open. |
loadInColor |
Determines the color scheme of the image that is being loaded. If this parameter is set to true, a color image will be loaded. If this parameter is set to false, a black-and-white image will be loaded.
returnTo=DeadEnd | Directs the user to the final page once the task is processed. The user will not be able to continue working with the integrated Verification Station. | |
mode=mini | Switches the page to minimal mode (the station's header and footer will not be displayed). | |
language=en-Us |
Sets the UI language for the Verification Station:
Users will interact with the integrated Verification Station in the same manner they interact with non-integrated Verification Stations in the standard processing scenario. A customized menu is used for forwarding tasks to the next stage and for exiting the integrated Verification Station.
You can set up the integrated Verification Station by editing the keys in the <appSettings> section of the Web.config file. To disable a menu item, set the corresponding key to true:
- DisableSendToRescan – sends a task to the Re-scanning stage
- DisableTaskPostponement – postpones a task
- DisableSendToStage – sends a task to a specific stage
- DisableSendToExceptions – sends a task to Exceptions
We recommend disabling the display of the Verification Station header and footer. This will ensure that the user can only access a specific batch and will not see the program features unrelated to the task at hand. This can be achieved by adding the suffix ?mode=mini to the URL or by setting the Headless key to true.
When the user finishes processing the task and exits the integrated Verification Station, the postMessage method is used to pass one of the following messages to the parent element:
- FC_Verification_TaskClosed – The task was closed and sent to the Export stage.
- FC_Verification_TaskSentToStage – The task was sent to another stage.
- FC_Verification_TaskSentToExceptions – The task was sent to Exceptions.
- FC_Verification_TaskPostponed – The task was postponed.
- FC_Verification_TaskSentToRescan – The task was sent to the Re-scanning stage.
- FC_Verification_CantGetTask – The program failed to get the task for some reason.
- FC_Verification_TaskRejected – The task was rejected.
Sample code for receiving a message from the parent element
Once the message from the <iframe> element is processed, the integrated Verification Station can be closed down so that the user can resume his/her work with the third-party system.
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM