Web.config file: keys used for configuring Web Stations
The configuration keys described in this section can be used with FlexiCapture 12 Release 2 Update 8 or later.
You can fine-tune Web Stations and customize certain processes by adding or modifying keys in the web.config file as described below.
- Open the web.config in any text editor.
The folder containing the web.config file for a given Web Station can be found in <IIS Root Directory>\FlexiCapture12\<Station Name>, where <Station Name> is the name of the Web Station.
For example:
- For the Web Login Page, look in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\Login - For the Web Verification Station, look in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\Verification - For the Web Scanning Station, look in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\Scanning - For the Administration and Monitoring Console, look in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\Monitoring - For the Web Capture Station, look in
- In the <appSettings> section, modify or add required keys (the order of keys is unimportant).
Available web.config keys
Web Login Page
Key | Default value | Description |
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> | |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" /> |
false |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="ScanningStationNewUrl" value="Scanning/" /> |
Scanning/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Web Scanning Station.
<add key="MonitoringStationUrl" value="Monitoring/" /> |
Monitoring/ |
This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Administration and Monitoring Console page.
<add key="NoDatabaseUrl" value="Monitoring/winauth/Main/DBConnection" /> |
Monitoring/ winauth/Main/ DBConnection |
This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Administration and Monitoring Console page, where the user can create a new database or connect to an existing database.
<add key="WebCaptureStationNewUrl" value="Capture/" /> |
Capture/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Web Capture Station.
<add key="ApplicationServer" value="localhost" /> |
localhost |
Specifies the address of the Application Server. Specify localhost if the station and the Application Server are located on the same computer.
<add key="ScanningStationNewUrlWin" value="Scanning/WinAuth/" /> |
Scanning/ WinAuth/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Web Scanning Station.
<add key="VerificationStationNewUrlWin" value="Verification/WinAuth/" /> |
Verification/ WinAuth/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Web Verification Station.
<add key="MonitoringStationUrlWin" value="Monitoring/WinAuth/" /> |
Monitoring/ WinAuth/ |
This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Administration and Monitoring Console page.
<add key="WebCaptureStationNewUrlWin" value="Capture/WinAuth/" /> |
Capture/ WinAuth/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the web Document Capture Station.
<add key="ScanStationFCLauncherUrl" value="Downloads/ScanStationInstall/ ScanStationFCLauncher.application" /> |
Downloads/ ScanStationInstall/ ScanStationFCLauncher .application |
Specifies the path to the folder storing the downloaded and installed Web Scanning Station file. |
<add key="CookieTimeout" value="1200" /> |
1200 | Specifies how long cookie files should be stored (in seconds). |
<add key="UseClientCertificate" value="false" /> |
false |
Sends the client certificate specified in the ClientCertificateThumbprint key to the Application Server (in background mode). True – The certificate will be sent to the Application Server. False – No certificate will be sent to the Application Server. |
<add key="VerificationStationNewUrl" value="Verification/" /> |
Verification/ |
This key is used for the HTML5 version of the station. This key redirects the user from the Web Login Page to the Web Verification Station. |
<add key="ClientCertificateThumbprint" value="Certificate Thumbprint" /> |
Certificate Thumbprint |
Specifies the value of the Certificate Thumbprint property. |
Web Verification Station
Key | Default value | Description |
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> | |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" /> | false |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="150000" /> | 150000 |
This is a service key. This key determines the maximum number of members that can be restored using JavaScriptSerializer.
<add key="ApplicationServer" value="localhost" /> | localhost |
Specifies the address of the Application Server. Specify localhost if the station and the Application Server are located on the same computer.
<add key="SessionRefreshInterval" value="60000" /> | 60000 | Specifies how often a session should be refreshed (in milliseconds). Sessions must be refreshed in order to keep them and their licenses active.. |
<add key="SessionInactiveLifetimeInMinutes" value="120" /> | 120 | Specifies the lifetime of a session (in minutes). If the user is inactive for a period that is longer than the specified lifetime, the session will be terminated and the task will be returned to the queue. |
<add key="LoadColorPicturesByDefault" value="false" /> |
false |
This key is responsible for the color scheme in the central portion of the page. True – The central portion is in color and there is no flag icon in the center menu. False – The central portion is in black-and-white and there is a flag icon in the center menu. |
<add key="ReturnToQueuesAfterTaskClose" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether tasks will be taken from the queue manually or automatically. True – Tasks will not be taken from the queue automatically. When closing the current task, the user will be redirected to the page where the next task can be chosen. False – Tasks will be taken from the queue automatically. When the user closes the current task, the next task will be taken from the queue automatically. |
<add key="RuleCheckTimeoutInSeconds" value="3000" /> | 3000 | Sets the timeout for checking rules (in seconds). Once the specified time period expires, the task will be canceled and returned into the queue. Any changes made by the operator will be lost. |
<add key="LoginStationUrl" value="../Login" /> | ../Login |
Specifies the path to be used for logging in to the station.
<add key="UseAuthenticationTicket" value="true" /> |
true |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to access the Web Verification Station from the Login page. True – The operator will be able to access the Web Verification Station without using Windows authentication. False – Windows authentication will be required in order to access the Web Verification Station. |
<add key="ShowSuggestsOnTyping" value="true" /> |
true |
Specifies whether suggestions will be shown to the operator when typing text in fields. True – When the operator starts typing text in a field, possible values for that field will be displayed. False – No possible values will be displayed. |
<add key="CloneSuggestsForNewInstance" value="true" /> |
true |
Specifies whether suggestions will be shown for a field in a group of fields. When the user creates a new group inside a repeating group, a list of possible values can be shown for the fields with predefined values. True – Possible values will be displayed. False – No possible values will be displayed. |
<add key="MinimizeInstanceMenu" value="true" /> |
true |
Changes the appearance of the repeating groups/fields menu on the data form. True – The menu will appear as three vertical dots. False – The menu will appear as a numbered list. |
<add key="DisableSendToRescan" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to send tasks to the rescanning stage. True – The operator will not be able to send tasks to the rescanning stage. False – The operator will be able to send tasks to the rescanning stage. |
<add key="DisableTaskPostponement" value="false" /> м |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to postpone tasks. True – The operator will not be able to postpone tasks. False – The operator will be able to postpone tasks. |
<add key="DisableSendToStage" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to send tasks to desired stages. False – The operator will be able to send a task to a desired stage handled by another operator, specifying its priority and providing a comment. True – The operator will be able to send a task to a desired stage handled by another operator. |
<add key="DisableSendToExceptions" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to send tasks to the exceptions queue. False – The operator will be able to send tasks to the exceptions queue. True – The operator will not be able to send tasks to the exceptions queue. |
<add key="DisableReject" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to reject tasks. False – The operator will be able to reject tasks and send them back to their original queue. True – The operator will not be able to reject tasks. |
<add key="DisableCustomForm" value="false" /> |
false |
Changes the appearance and structure of the fields on the data form. False – The appearance and structure of the fields on the data form will be the same as defined in the Document Definition. True – The default fonts will be used for the fields on the data form and they will be arranged in one column. |
<add key="DisableRegionBinding" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to select a field when drawing a region on an image. False – When the operator draws a region, a table with suggested fields will appear. True – The operator will not be able to draw a region unless the operator selects the required field on the data form first. |
<add key="CanDownloadBatchResult" value="false" /> |
false |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to download archives export results (for exported batches with "Processed" status). True – The operator will be able to download batch export results on the Web Verification Station. False – The operator will not be able to download batch export results. |
Web Scanning Station
Key | Default value | Description |
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> | |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" /> | false |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="150000" /> | 150000 |
This is a service key. This key determines the maximum number of members that can be restored using JavaScriptSerializer.
<add key="ApplicationServer" value="localhost" /> | localhost |
Specifies the address of the Application Server. Specify localhost if the station and the Application Server are located on the same computer).
<add key="SessionRefreshInterval" value="60000" /> | 60000 | Specifies how often a session should be refreshed (in milliseconds). Sessions must be refreshed in order to keep them and their licenses active. |
<add key="SessionInactiveLifetimeInMinutes" value="120" /> | 120 | Specifies the lifetime of a session (in minutes). If the user is inactive for a period that is longer than the specified lifetime, the session will be terminated and the task will be returned to the queue. |
<add key="LoginStationUrl" value="../Login" /> | ../Login |
Specifies the path to be used for logging in to the station.
<add key="UseAuthenticationTicket" value="true" /> | true |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to access the Web Scanning Station from the Login page. True – The operator will be able to access the Web Scanning Station without using Windows authentication. False – Windows authentication will be required in order to access the Web Scanning Station. |
Administration and Monitoring Console
Key | Default value | Description |
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> | |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" /> | false |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="ApplicationServer" value="localhost" /> | localhost |
Specifies the address of the Application Server. Specify localhost if the Administration and Monitoring Console and the Application Server are located on the same computer.
<add key="LoginStationUrl" value="../Login/" /> | ../Login/ |
Specifies the path to be used for logging in to the Administration and Monitoring Console.
<add key="LoginRedirectParameter" value="monitoring" /> | monitoring | This key is responsible for the redirect parameter specified in the URL which returns the user to the Administration and Monitoring Console page after the user has been authenticated.. |
<add key="UseCRReportSystemForCustomReportOnly" value="true" /> | true |
Allows creating custom reports using Crystal Reports. This key is not included in the web.config file by default (for details, see About ABBYY FlexiCapture Custom Reports). |
<add key="UseClientCertificate" value=" false" /> | false |
Sends the client certificate specified in the ClientCertificateThumbprint key to the Application Server (in background mode). True – The certificate will be sent to the Application Server. False – No certificate will be sent to the Application Server. |
<add key="ClientCertificateThumbprint" value="Certificate Thumbprint" /> | Certificate Thumbprint |
Specifies the value of the Certificate Thumbprint property. |
Web Capture Station
Key | Default value | Description |
<add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> | |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" /> | false |
ASP.NET service key.
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="150000" /> | 150000 |
This is a service key. This key determines the maximum number of members that can be restored using JavaScriptSerializer.
<add key="ApplicationServer" value="localhost" /> | localhost |
Specifies the address of the Application Server. Specify localhost if the station and the Application Server are located on the same computer.
<add key="SessionRefreshInterval" value="60000" /> | 60000 | Specifies how often a session should be refreshed (in milliseconds). Sessions must be refreshed in order to keep them and their licenses active. |
<add key="SessionInactiveLifetimeInMinutes" value="120" /> | 120 | Specifies the lifetime of a session (in minutes). If the user is inactive for a period that is longer than the specified lifetime, the session will be terminated and the task will be returned to the queue.. |
<add key="LoginStationUrl" value="../Login" /> | ../Login |
Specifies the path to be used for logging in to the station.
<add key="UseAuthenticationTicket" value="true" /> | true |
Specifies whether the operator will be able to access the Web Verification Station from the Login page. True – The operator will be able to access the Web Verification Station without using Windows authentication. False – Windows authentication will be required in order to access the Web Verification Station. |
<add key="LoadColorPicturesByDefault" value="false" /> |
false |
This key is responsible for the color scheme in the central portion of the page. True – The central portion is in color and there is no flag in the check box in the center menu. False – The central portion is in black-and-white and there is a flag in the check box in the center menu. |
<add key="ShowSuggestsOnTyping" value="true" /> |
true |
Specifies whether suggestions will be shown to the operator when typing text in fields. True – When the operator starts typing text in a field, possible values for that field will be displayed. False – No possible values will be displayed. |
<add key="CloneSuggestsForNewInstance" value="true" /> | true |
Specifies whether suggestions will be shown for a field in a group of fields. When the user creates a new group inside a repeating group, a list of possible values can be shown for the fields with predefined values. True – Possible values will be displayed. False – No possible values will be displayed. |
<add key="RuleCheckTimeoutInSeconds" value="3000" /> | 3000 | Sets the timeout for checking rules (in seconds). Once the specified time period expires, the task will be canceled and returned into the queue. Any changes made by the operator will be lost. |
<add key="MinimizeInstanceMenu" value="true" /> |
true |
Changes the appearance of the repeating groups/fields menu on the data form. True – The menu will appear as three vertical dots. False – The menu will appear as a numbered list. |
<add key="DisableCustomForm" value="false" /> |
false |
Changes the appearance and structure of the fields on the data form. False – The appearance and structure of the fields on the data form will be the same as defined in the Document Definition. True – The default fonts will be used for the fields on the data form and they will be arranged in one column. |
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