
What it does

The Batch data type stores information about a batch.


Name Type Description
Id int The ID of the batch
Name string The name of the batch
BatchTypeId int The ID of the batch type. 0 corresponds to the "Default" batch type
Priority int Batch priority. Possible values: see Priority.
Description string A description of the batch
ElapsedProcessingSeconds int The time remaining until until the deadline for processing the batch, in seconds
HasAttachments bool A flag that shows whether the batch has attachments
Properties RegistrationProperty[] The set of registration parameters for the batch
StageExternalId int The ID of the processing stage in which the task is created
CreationDate long

The date and time when the batch was created. Completed when the batch is being created. Cannot be modified later. To convert values, use the following methods (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversionfrom long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

SLAExpirationDate datetime Processing deadline of the batch
SLAStartDate long

Batch processing start time and date. Completed when the batch is being created. Cannot be modified later. To convert values, use the following methods (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversionfrom long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

DocumentsCount int The number of documents in the batch
RecognizedDocumentsCount int The number of recognized documents
AssembledDocumentsCount int The number of assembled documents
VerifiedDocumentsCount int The number of verified documents
ExportedDocumentsCount int The number of exported documents
PagesCount int The number of pages in the batch
ProjectId int Identifier of the project the batch belongs to. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Project table
RecognizedSymbolsCount int The number of recognized characters
UncertainSymbolsCount int The number of uncertain characters
VerificationSymbolsCount int The number of verified characters
ErrorText string A description of the batch processing errors. Completed automatically by the Application Server.
OwnerId int The ID of the user or group who owns the project
CreatorId int The ID of the user who created the batch (completed when the batch is being created; cannot be modified later)

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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