
What it does

Gets the number of batches, documents, and pages whose state changed to "Processed" within a certain time period.


UserStatistics [] GetUserStatistics( int userId, long fromDate, long toDate );


Name Type Description
userId int User ID
fromDate long

The period start date. To convert values, use the following methods (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

toDate long

The period end date. To convert values, use the following methods (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

Returned value

Type Description
UserStatistics[] A set of records, each containing information about the number of batches, documents or pages whose state changed to "Processed" within the specified time period.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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