
What it does

The Task data type stores information about tasks.

Note: Besides records of this type, information about tasks is also stored in XML files. An XML file may describe the entire task or its separate files. See the Working with files section for information about the structure of data in files and working with files.


Name Type Description
Id int The ID of the task
ProjectId int The ID of the project to which the task belongs
BatchId int The ID of the batch which includes the documents of the task
BatchTypeId int The ID of the batch type. 0 corresponds to the "Default" batch type
Priority int Task priority. Possible values: see Priority.
Status System.UInt32

Task status. Possible values:

  • 0 - being created
  • 1 - awaits processing
  • 2 - being processed
  • 3 - processing completed
  • 4 - postponed
CreationTime long

Time of creation. To convert values, use the following methods (C#):

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

ModificationTime long

The time when the task was last modified. Use the following methods (C#) for conversion:

DateTime dtTime;
long lTime;
// conversion from DateTime to long
dTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lTime);
// conversion from long to DateTime
lTime = dTime.ToFileTime();

Comment string Comment to the task
StageType int The type of the processing stage at which the task was formed. See ProcessingStageType for possible values.
UserId int The ID of the user or group to whom the task has been assigned.
Flags int

A set of flags which describe the status of the task. The value of a field is a combination of the values of the flags, which include:

  • TA_HasAttachedDataVerificationXml = 0x200 an XML file with pre-processing data has been generated for the task
  • TA_HasAttachedDocumentsXml = 0x1000 XML files with data have been generated for the task

Note: Only those flags are listed which are useful when working with the tasks and methods of the Web Services API.

CreatorId int The ID of the user that created the task
BatchName string The name of the batch the task is associated with
StageExternalId int The ID of the processing stage in which the task is created

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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