
What it does

Gets attachment as a file.

By default, this method can download files of up to 100 MB. This file size restriction can be disabled or modified using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

To set the maximum size of downloaded files:

  • Navigate to \Sites\Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Server > Application Settings.
  • Locate the MaxAttachmentSizeForSoap key and specify the desired file size in bytes. (Setting this key to 0 will disable the file size restriction.)

Note: To download large files, we recommend using a file storage.


File LoadAttachment( int sessionId, int type, int objectId, int batchId, int projectId, string fileName );


Name Type Description
session int The ID of the connection to the Application Server
type int

Type of attachment. Possible values

  • 9 - attachment to a document;
  • 10 - attachment to a page;
  • 11 - attachment to a batch.
objectId int The ID of the object
batchId int The ID of the batch
projectId int The ID of the project
fileName string The name of the attachment file to be retrieved from the Application Server

Returned value

Type Value
File Attachment file

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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