Administration and Monitoring Console

Important! For the correct operation of the Administration and Monitoring Console, make sure that your browser allows the use of JavaScript and pop-up windows.

The Administration and Monitoring Console is used to set up the entire complex and to monitor its operation.

The Administration and Monitoring Console is a Web interface available to the user of the Application Server and provides access to the server via an Internet browser. The console can be opened on any computer that can access the Application Server by typing https://<ApplicationServer>/FlexiCapture12/Monitoring in the browser, where <ApplicationServer> is the name of the computer on which the Application Server is installed.

The Administration and Monitoring Console is launched immediately after the Application Server is installed, enabling the Operator to establish a database connection.

Besides connecting to a database, the Administrator must set up user access permissions and distribute the Operator roles.

Note: The setting up of access permissions and distribution of Operator roles can also be done by the Operators Manager.

Important! The permissions granted to the Administrator, Monitoring Operator, and Processing Server roles apply to all the projects. Therefore, they can be set up immediately after the database connection is established. Permissions to all other Operators are granted for individual projects. Therefore, before granting permissions to other Operators, the Administrator must create projects and upload them to the Application Server. Unless there are projects on the Application Server, the Administrator will not be able to add Operators and grant them access permissions.

Access permissions granted to a Monitoring Operator have the following restrictions:

  • Deleting sessions on the Monitoring → Sessions page is not allowed. Viewing the page is allowed.
  • Deleting batches on the Monitoring → Batches page is not allowed. Viewing the page is allowed.
  • Viewing all pages on the Settings tab (Application Server, Cleanup, Out-of-Processing Documents, Event logging mode, Users, Groups, Requests) is not allowed.

Once the complex is set up, the Administration and Monitoring Station can be used to monitor the operation of the complex (i.e. to track the current status of the complex and generate reports). Based on the information about the current status of the complex, the Administrator makes changes in the configuration or re-allocates resources.

The Administrator may review the statuses of Batches, Tasks, Sessions, Current processing status, Event log and Error log.

To review the statuses, select a project and then select the appropriate item from the Monitoring menu. The resulting list can be viewed on-screen, printed out, or saved in CSV format.

The Monitoring Operator can not only obtain information about the current status of the complex, but also generate reports about the operation of the complex.

The following reports can be created:

  • Productivity report allows you to assess the productivity of ABBYY FlexiCapture or individual tenants.
  • Processing report allows you to calculate the average processing productivity and the processing productivity for a specific time period and compare it against a larger time period.
  • Operators report allows you to evaluate the productivity of each Operator involved in the manual processing stages.

For detailed information about the Administration and Monitoring Console, see Administration and Monitoring Console Help.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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