

Contains a list of processing stages.

Diagram of relationships between routing tables

Diagram of relationships between access control tables

List of columns

Key Name Type Required Description
PK Id int yes Identifier of a processing stage.
BatchTypeId int no Batch type identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the BatchType table.
CleanupDocuments bit yes Indicates that documents have been automatically deleted during the "Processed" stage.
CleanupDocumentsDelay int yes Delay (in hours) before documents are automatically deleted during the "Processed" stage.
DocumentsPerTask int yes Maximum amount of documents in a task created for the stage.
Enabled bit yes Indicates that the stage was included in the workflow.
ExternalId int yes Stage identifier for synchronization with client applications. Unique in a batch type.
IsExceptionStage bit yes Indicator of the Exceptions stage. The default value is 0.
Name nvarchar yes Name of processing stage.
ParentId int no Identifier of the parent processing stage.
PredefinedType int yes The base type of a processing stage. Matches the processing stage type for predefined processing stages. For custom stage types, describes the predefined stage type that was used as a template during their creation.
ProjectId int no Project identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the Project table.
StageOrder int yes The stage's processing order number.
Type int yes Type of processing stage. Values for standard stage types are listed in Processing stage types.
WaitAllBatchDocs bit yes Indicates that a batch must be processed completely during a certain stage before being transferred to the next stage.

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