What it does
Represents the batch.
Note. Some methods and properties of this object are not available on the Web Verification Station for checking rules locally. The methods and properties that are not supported are marked with an asterisk (*).
Important! The methods below require permissions for changing the batch structure. These methods can be called only from the batch processing script.
Definition | Description |
CleanRecognitionResults( document : IDocument ) * | Deletes recognition results for the document. |
CreateDocumentFromPage( targetPosition : int, page : IPage ): IDocument * |
Takes a page from the document and creates a new document from that page. In the targetPosition parameter, specify an index for the new document in the batch. The index must be a number between 0 and N, N being the total number of documents in the batch. When the CreateDocumentFromPage method is called:
Example |
CreatePageFromImage( page : IPictureObject, [optional] target : IDocument, [optional] position : int, [optional] sourceInfo : string ) : IPage * |
Creates a page from the IPictureObject object and returns the created page:
DeleteDocument( document : IDocument ) * | Deletes the document. |
DeletePage( page : IPage ) * | Deletes the page. |
MoveDocument( source : IDocument, targetPosition : int ) * | Moves the document to the specified position in the batch. |
MovePage( source : IDocument, target : IDocument, sourcePageIndex : int, int targetPageIndex : int ) * | Moves the page with the sourcePageIndex index from the source document to the targetPageIndex position in the target document. |
Name | Type | Access | Description |
AsBatchItem * | IBatchItem | Read-only | Converts the batch into an IBatchItem object. |
Attachments | IUserAttachments | Read-only | User attachments. |
BatchTypeName | string | Read-only | The name of the batch type. |
Comment | string | Read/write | The comment. |
CreatedBy | IPrincipal | Read-only |
The author of the newly created batch. |
CreationDate | DateTime | Read-only | The time when the batch was created. |
Documents | IDocuments | Read-only | Documents the batch consists of |
Id | int | Read-only | The batch identifier (unique within the project). |
Name | string | Read/write | The name of the batch. |
Priority | TProcessingPriority | Read/write | The priority of the batch. |
Project | IProject | Read-only | The project containing the batch. |
Properties | IProperties | Read-only | Named parameters of the batch. |
SLAExpirationDate | DateTime | Read/write | Processing deadline of the batch. |
SlaStartDate | DateTime | Read-only | The time when processing of the batch started. |
SlaWarningPeriod * | Int | Read/write | The starting time of the period during which a warning about the task's approaching deadline will be displayed. Specified in minutes remaining until the deadline. |
StageInfo | IStageInfo | Read-only | Returns the IStageInfo object with information about the document's processing stage. The TaskId and PrincipalId fields are not used. |
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM