Customization settings

Files required for customization

A customization template can be found in


Other required content files must be loaded into


JS and CSS files will be automatically loaded onto the user page.

Customization template

By default, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Flexicapture12\<station>\CustomContent contains the following files:

  • Custom.css – a layout template
  • Custom.js – a template for the web page functions
  • Icon.ico – an icon for a template page
  • Logo.png – a template for a page logo

The C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\<station>\Views\Custom\Index.cshtml file contains a layout template for a customized page.

Note: All the files include detailed comments.

You can modify or delete any of these files.

You can implement any layout of the customization page to comply with your company's design guidelines.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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