Working with tenants

All tenants are listed on the Settings → Tenants page. To view or edit a tenant's properties, click the link in the Name column of the list. To open a tenant's sign-in page, click the Login link in the Login reference column of the list.

Every tenant has an Administrator who manages the tenant's projects. To upload a tenant's project to the server or make the project available within a specific tenant, open the Project Setup Station or a Verification Station and follow the instructions below:

  1. Click File → Upload Project to Server... or Open Project from Server...;
  2. In the dialog box that opens, specify the name of the FlexiCapture server (https://<ApplicationServer> where <ApplicationServer> is the name of the computer on which the Application Server is installed, example: https://localhost) and specify the name of the tenant in field Tenant name;
  3. Check the connection and click OK.

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