To perform data verification, do the following:
1. Click the Get task button. The Group Verification window will be opened if the task contains characters for group verification, otherwise the Field Verification window will appear.
Note: If Automatic Task Receive Mode is enabled (the corresponding button is switched on the Queues & Tasks toolbar), you do not need to click the Get Task button, as the next task will be received automatically as soon as the current one is completed.
2. Check the groups of characters that were recognized as one the same character.
- Correct any incorrectly recognized characters as follows: highlight the character that does not match the group character and enter the correct value. This value, highlighted in green, will appear in the upper left corner of the character image.
- If an irrelevant image is recognized as a character (for example, some scanning defect was erroneously recognized as a character), remove it by pressing the Delete button.
- If you still have doubts about the character's meaning, even after viewing its context, left-click the character: a red question mark will appear. You can confirm or correct the character later during field verification.
Character status can be also switched using the Toggle button on the toolbar.
- When all incorrectly recognized characters are corrected or postponed, confirm all other characters at once by clicking the Confirm All button on the toolbar. You can also confirm correctly recognized characters one by one by selecting Confirm from the shortcut menu.
3. Perform the verification of fields correct any recognition and format errors and confirm the correct values.
- Review the recognition result in each field, one by one.
- Correct any errors and then confirm the field by clicking the Confirm Field button.
- If a field cannot be corrected right away, skip it or defer verification by clicking the Postpone button to correct the field later.
4. Once field verification is complete, the verification window will close and the task will be sent on to the next processing stage.