Compare Fields rule

This rule is meant for checking the values of several fields. It can be used if your document has several fields whose values must be identical. In the event that values do not match, a rule error message is displayed for the document.

To create a values comparison rule, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the field properties dialog box (right-click the field to open its shortcut menu and select Properties...) or the Document Definition properties dialog box (from the Document Definition editor menu, select Document Definition → Document Definition Properties...).
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Click the New Rule... button
  4. From the list of rule types select Compare Fields and click OK.
  5. Type the name of the rule.
  6. Disable the Show rule name in message to verifier option if necessary. If this option is disabled, the error message will be displayed as "error message" instead of "name of rule: error message".
  7. Specify the severity of the rule.
  8. If required, specify the conditions under which the rule must be applied (by default, a rule is applied unconditionally). See Conditions for applying rules for more information.
  9. Specify tags for the rule.
  10. Disable the Enabled rule option if necessary. The rule will be created, but will not be applied until this option is enabled by a user.
  11. Click Next >.
  12. In the dialog box that opens, add the fields you want to compare to the Fields to compare list by clicking the Add... button.
  13. Select the match type:
    • Exact for an exact value match;
    • Fuzzy for a fuzzy value match. In this case fields will be compared without taking into account the letter case and white spaces, and one error will be allowed for field values longer than 4 characters.
  14. Click Finish to complete rule creation. The rule name will be shown on the Rules tab.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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