Sample scripts for creating custom rules
Automation rule
This example demonstrates a table data check. The rule checks whether the table data matches the value in the resulting field. The table has columns with prices and quantities of certain goods. The rule has been written at the level of a section containing the table and the resulting field.
dim autoRule
set autoRule = CreateObject( "AutomationRule.CheckDoc" )
autoRule.CheckResult me.FIELD("cost"), me.FIELD("number"), me.FIELD("Result"), me
var autoRule = new ActiveXObject( "AutomationRule.CheckDoc" );
autoRule.CheckResult( Field("cost"), Field("number"),
Field("Result"), this );
Code of an ActiveX component
The code provided here is a CheckDoc class code from the AutomationRule project, which is used in the scripts mentioned above.
Option Explicit
' Checks whether table data matches the result
' column1 - price column
' column2 - quantity column
' resultField - resulting field (<Total> or equivalent)
' docObj - document node being checked
Public Sub CheckResult(ByRef column1 As Object, ByRef column2 As Object, _
ByRef resultField As Object, ByRef docObj As Object)
On Error GoTo err_h
Dim costItems AsObject, numItems AsObject
Dim curCost AsDouble, curNum AsLong, sum AsDouble
Dim result AsDouble
Dim i AsLong
Set costItems = column1.Items
Set numItems = column2.Items
' summing up table data
sum = 0
For i = 0 To costItems.Count - 1
curCost = costItems.Item(i).Value
curNum = numItems.Item(i).Value
sum = sum + curNum * curCost
' comparison accuracy result rounded to the 2nd digit after the decimal point
result = resultField.Value
If (Round(result, 2) = Round(sum, 2)) Then
docObj.CheckSucceeded = True
docObj.CheckSucceeded = False
docObj.ErrorMessage = "Table data does not match the resulting value"
resultField.Suggest sum
End If
Exit Sub
docObj.ErrorMessage = Err.Description
docObj.CheckSucceeded = False
End Sub
Search in the variants list
The rule code provided below checks whether the field value matches one of the values in the list. If not, a rule error flag appears, and the field receives a list of suggested values. Depending on the check result, the field is marked as certainly or uncertainly recognized.
'remember field value
Dim fieldValue
fieldValue = me.Field("Field6").Value
'create list of values for check
Dim list(5)
dim i
for i = 0 to 4
list(i) = "2" & i
dim success
success = false
'check whether field value matches values in the list
for i = 0 to 4
if list(i) = fieldValue Then
success = true
exit for
end if
'depending on the check result, set a corresponding certainly status for the field
me.Field("Field6").IsVerified = success
'fill the list of suggestions for the field a suggestion can be any of the
'suitable values
if success = false then
for i = 0 to 4
me.Field("Field6").Suggest( list(i) )
end if
'place an error flag
me.CheckSucceeded = success
// remember field value
var fieldValue = Field("Field6").Value;
// create list of values for check
var list = new Array(5);
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
list[i] = "2" + i
var success = false;
// check whether field value matches values in the list
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
if( list[i] == fieldValue ) {
success = true;
// depending on the check result, set a corresponding certainly status for the field
Field("Field6").IsVerified = success;
// fill the list of suggestions for the field a suggestion can be any of the
// suitable values
if( !success ) {
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
Field("Field6").Suggest( list[i] );
// place an error flag
CheckSucceeded = success;
Field match check
The rule code provided below checks whether the checked field has matched.
if me.Field("InvoiceNumber").IsMatched then
me.CheckSucceeded = true
me.CheckSucceeded = false
me.ErrorMessage = "Field InvoiceNumber is not matched"
end if
if( Field("InvoiceNumber ").IsMatched ) {
CheckSucceeded = true;
} else {
CheckSucceeded = false;
ErrorMessage = "Field InvoiceNumber is not matched";
Checkmark check
The rule code provided below checks whether the checkmark has been selected or not
if me.Field("Page status").Value then
me.CheckSucceeded = true
me.CheckSucceeded = false
me.ErrorMessage = "Page status is not checked"
me.FocusedField = me.Field(Page status) ""
end if
if( Field("Page status").Value ) {
CheckSucceeded = true;
} else {
CheckSucceeded = false;
ErrorMessage = "Page status is not checked";
FocusedField = Field("Page status");
Checkmark group check
The rule code provided below iterates all the checkmarks in the group and if none are selected, selects the first one. The rule is written for the checkmark group level. All the checkmarks in the group have been added to the list of fields included into the rule. The group itself has been excluded from the list. For the default checkmark (the first one), the ReadOnly flag has been disabled. If there are no checkmarks in the group, a rule error flag is enabled.
This sample code iterates all the fields included in the rule. Since field names are not specified in the code, this code can be used for any checkmark group.
if me.Fields.Count = 0 then
me.CheckSucceeded = false
me.ErrorMessage = "There are no checkmarks in the group"
dim isChosen, i
isChosen = false
for i = 0 to me.Fields.Count - 1
if me.Fields.Item( i ).Value then
isChosen = true
exit for
end if
if Not isChosen then
me.Fields.Item(0).Value = true
end if
me.CheckSucceeded = true
end if
if( Fields.Count == 0 ) {
CheckSucceeded = false;
ErrorMessage = "There are no checkmarks in the group";
} else {
var isChosen = false;
var i;
for( i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++ ) {
if( Fields.Item( i ).Value ) {
isChosen = true;
if( !isChosen ) {
Fields.Item(0).Value = true;
CheckSucceeded = true;
Field reliability check
The rule code provided below checks the number of uncertain characters in the field and clears the field if the number of uncertain characters is greater than or equals three. This is an Autocorrection script.
Dim totQty, suspQty
Dim i
totQty = me.Symbols.Count
suspQty = 0
for i = 0 to totQty - 1
if me.Symbols.Item(i).IsSuspicious = true then
suspQty = suspQty + 1
end if
if suspQty >= 3 then
me.Text = ""
end if
var susp, qty, strpos, i, SC, strposPrev
strposPrev = 1
qty = 0
SC = "1"
susp = SuspiciousSymbols
for ( i = 0; i < susp.length; i++) {
strpos = susp.indexOf (SC,i)
if ((strpos != strposPrev) && (strpos != -1)) {
qty = qty + 1
strposPrev = strpos
if (qty >= 3) {
text = ""
Character replacement without loosing regions and verification flags
The script replaces "+" with "&" without loosing information about regions and verification flags. This is an Autocorrection script.
Dim totQty
Dim i
totQty = me.Symbols.Count
for i = 0 to totQty - 1
if me.Symbols(i).Symbol = "+" then
me.Symbols(i).Symbol = "&"
end if
Batch integrity check
Checks if the number of documents specified on the control page coincides with the inventory in the batch and with the number of documents actually processed. If the numbers do not match, an error is returned.
dim DQty
dim i
for i = 0 to me.Batch.Documents.Count - 1
if me.Batch.Documents.Item(i).DefinitionName = "Inv" then
DQty = me.Batch.Documents.Item(i).IndexedItemValue("DocQty")
exit for
end if
dim AcQty
AcQty = me.Batch.Documents.Count
if acqty <> DQty then
me.CheckSucceeded = false
me.ErrorMessage = "Incorrect number of documents in the batch:" & " " & AcQty& ". " & "Expected number:" & " " & DQty & "!"
end if
for ( i = 0; i < [Batch.Documents.Count - 1]; i++ ) {
var TemplName = Batch.Documents.Item(0).DefinitionName;
if (TemplName = "Inv") {
var DQty = Batch.Documents.Item(i).IndexedItemValue("DocQty");
break ;
var AcQty = Batch.Documents.Count -1
if (AcQty != DQty) {
CheckSucceeded = false;
ErrorMessage = "Incorrect number of documents in the batch:" + " " + AcQty + "." + "Expected number:" + " " + DQty +"!" ;
Counting the number of documents and pages in a document set
This script counts the number of pages in a document set section and throws an error if the set contains an element of an unknown type.
int subDocumentsCount = 0;
int pagesCount = 0;
IBatchItem asBatchItem = Context.Document.AsBatchItem;
IBatchItems items = asBatchItem.ChildItems;
foreach (IBatchItem item in items)
if ( item.Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Page )
{ pagesCount ++; }
else if( item.Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Document )
{ subDocumentsCount ++; }
Context.CheckSucceeded = false;
Context.ErrorMessage = "Unknown type of element in set";
Context.Field("Field").Text = subDocumentsCount.ToString() + " " + pagesCount.ToString();
Address parsing
The script parses the address into the following componnets: ZIP Code, Country, City, and Street. The script is called for a portion of the source field.
[C# .Net]
var collectionName = "";
IFieldExtractor extractor = Context.GetFieldExtractor();
var city = extractor.ExtractedObjects( collectionName, "NerCity" );
var country = extractor.ExtractedObjects( collectionName, "NerCountry" );
var zip = extractor.ExtractedObjects( collectionName, "NerZipCode" );
var street = extractor.ExtractedObjects( collectionName, "NerStreet" );
for( var i = 0; i < city.Count; i++ ) {
extractor.PutSpanToField( city.Item(i).Span, Context.Field("City") );
for( var i = 0; i < country.Count; i++ ) {
extractor.PutSpanToField( country.Item(i).Span, Context.Field("Country") );
for( var i = 0; i < zip.Count; i++ ) {
extractor.PutSpanToField( zip.Item(i).Span, Context.Field("ZIP") );
for( var i = 0; i < street.Count; i++ ) {
extractor.PutSpanToField( street.Item(i).Span, Context.Field("Street") );
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