BusinessUnits data set

This data set contains information about business units. It is used to automatically detect the business unit (i.e. the division of the company that received the invoice) and check information about the business unit against a database.

Note: If no information about the business unit is found in the data set, or if you are not using business unit databases, ABBYY FlexiCapture will use neural networks for field detection, unless neural networks are disabled in the program settings. For more information, see Detecting the main fields.

Name Type Description
Id Text, not normalized Required field. Obtained by detecting the business unit. Identifies the business unit in an external information system. The unique key of the entry in the data set.
VATID Text, normalized to Alphanumeric code Optional field. The unique identifier assigned to a company for tax purposes.
Name Text, normalized to Text Optional field. The name of the business unit.
ZIP Text, normalized to Alphanumeric code Optional field. Part of the address of the business unit.
Street Text, normalized to Text Optional field. Part of the address of the business unit.
City Text, normalized to Text Optional field. Part of the address of the business unit.
State Text, not normalized Optional field. The state component of the business unit's address.
CountryCode Text, normalized to Alphanumeric code

Required field. Part of the address of the business unit.

Note: The program does not use the CountryCode when searching for the business unit. CountryCodes are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter codes. This field is required because the program uses the country of the business unit to determine the way the FlexiLayout is applied to invoices and the way fields are checked.

For more information about detecting the main document fields, see Detecting the main fields.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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