Verification settings
Verification is checking of captured data by an Operator. The program will highlight unreliably recognized characters in red and ask the Operator to confirm or correct them, displaying them together with their original images. You can also set up the program to submit certain fields for verification even if there are no unreliably recognized characters in them. Or you can set up the program not to submit certain fields for verification even if they contain unreliably recognized characters.
By default, all fields described in a Document Definition are submitted for verification.
You can configure the verification parameters for a field on the Verification tab of the Properties dialog box of the field.
Field verification
If field verification is required, select the Send to field verification option. Next, specify when the field should be submitted for field verification:
- Always
The field will always be submitted for field verification, regardless of the percentage of unreliably recognized characters or format errors. During verification, the field will be highlighted with a wavy red line. - If field has single field rule errors or if percentage of highlighted characters in field is greater than or equal to
The field will be submitted for field verification if there are format errors.
Field verification of a group of fields
If the field should be submitted for field verification as part of a group of fields, specify the name of the group in the Name of field group field. You will also need to check the Group fields on Field Verification option on the Verification tab of the Project Properties dialog box.
Double verification
If the field should be verified independently by two Operators, select the Requires double verification option.
12.04.2024 18:16:02