using System.Collections.Generic;
IBatchItems batch = Batch.AsBatchItem.ChildItems;
List<string> docDefs = new List<string> {"DocSet","Doc1","Doc2"}; // Document assembly order
// Key field name
// (the field should be indexed in all documents and have the same name)
string keyFieldName = "SSN";
List<string> keyFields = new List<string>();
// Disassembling sets
bool foundChildren = false;
foreach (IBatchItem itm in batch)
if (itm.ChildItems.Count > 1)
int shift = 0;
foreach (IBatchItem subItm in itm.ChildItems)
batch.Move(subItm, itm.Index + shift);
foreach (IBatchItem itm in batch)
if (itm.ChildItems.Count > 1)
foundChildren = true;
} while (foundChildren);
// Sorting documents the way they should be in the set
// (i.e. the set itself followed by all its subdocuments)
foreach (string docDefName in docDefs)
List<int> indexList = new List<int>();
foreach (IBatchItem itm in batch)
if (itm.Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Document)
if (itm.AsDocument.DefinitionName == docDefName) indexList.Add(itm.Index);
for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++)
batch.Move(batch[indexList[i]-i], batch.Count);
// Searching for all options of key fields in the batch
foreach (IBatchItem itm in batch)
if (itm.Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Document)
string keyFieldValue = (string)itm.AsDocument.IndexedItemValue(keyFieldName);
if (!keyFields.Contains(keyFieldValue))
// Assembling documents with the same key field
foreach (string keyFieldValue in keyFields)
List<int> indexList = new List<int>();
foreach (IBatchItem itm in batch)
if (itm.Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Document)
if ((string)itm.AsDocument.IndexedItemValue(keyFieldName) == keyFieldValue) indexList.Add(itm.Index);
for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++)
batch.Move(batch[indexList[i]-i], batch.Count);
// Moving subdocuments into sets only if key fields match
// (set sections first, child documents second)
int ind = 0;
while (ind < batch.Count)
if (batch[ind].Type == TBatchItemType.BIT_Document)
// Looking for the beginning of the set
if (batch[ind].AsDocument.DefinitionName == docDefs[0])
// If a document after the set is not a set and key fields match,
// we add it to this set
while (ind+1 < batch.Count &&
batch[ind+1].AsDocument.DefinitionName != docDefs[0] &&
(string)batch[ind+1].AsDocument.IndexedItemValue(keyFieldName) == (string)batch[ind].AsDocument.IndexedItemValue(keyFieldName))
batch[ind].ChildItems.Move(batch[ind+1], batch[ind].ChildItems.Count);