Image overlay on verification

Oftentimes, when colored form blanks are filled, data is overlapping the form lines, and this worsens the recognition quality. This problem most commonly occurs when data is printed into the form, but may happen also with handwritten data.

For better recognition quality, such forms are usually scanned in drop-out mode, removing the color lines and field names from the form. The image then contains only the data to be captured.

During the verification, however, the operator may need to see the form blank in order to understand which field corresponds to which piece of data. The image overlay feature allows overlaying the scanned image and the form blank, creating an imitation of the filled color form for the operator.

Image overlay is available only on rich clients. This feature is enabled by the following registry keys.






The overlay works on both Data Verification and full Verification stations.

When these registry parameters are present, the operator will always see the result of the overlay of the filled form and the blank used in the Document Definition.

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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