Web Station logging
To enable logging for Verification, Scanning, or Web Capture Stations:
- Create a new folder in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\<StationName> and name it "logs."
- Make sure that the account that you are using to launch the Web Station pool has write permissions for the above folder.
As a result, a text file containing all requests sent by the Web Station will be created in the logs folder.
ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 supports two levels of logging detail — "Error" and "Debug." Error-level logs contain only errors, while Debug-level logs also contain diagnostic messages for each error. Logging is set to Error level by default. To change logging detail level:
- Open the nlog.config file.
- Find the following element: <logger name="*" minlevel="Error" writeTo="f" />.
- Replace "Error" with "Debug."
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