Problems with sending e-mail notifications
If no e-mail notifications are sent, do the following:
- Make sure that your settings for sending notifications are correct. Outgoing e-mail notification settings can be found in the Administration and Monitoring Console on the following page: FlexiCapture12/monitoring/#Settings/SmtpSettings.
- Make sure that notification sending is enabled on the following page: FlexiCapture12/monitoring/#Settings/Notifications.
How do I check that messages are sent?
Outgoing e-mail messages appear in the MessageQueue table in the database. The Processing Server is responsible for sending e-mail messages. To make sure that e-mail messages are sent, do the following:
- Stop the Processing Server and make sure that the appropriate messages appear in the queue.
- Launch the Processing Server. If the messages have disappeared, it means that they have been sent. If this is the case, further inspection must be carried out client-side — if the clients are not receiving the messages, they may be being filtered out as spam.
If the messages do not disappear for a long time after the Processing Server has been launched, check the Processing Server system log to see if any errors have occurred.
The following are the two most common errors:
- The e-mail server is unavailable, which may be caused by incorrect firewall or proxy settings.
- The connection cannot be established due to incorrect or insufficient access permissions.
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