How to Control ABBYY FineReader Server Using the Command Line Interface

FRS.Cli allows you to control ABBYY FineReader Server 14 using the command line interface. FRS.Cli is available in FineReader Server 14 R2U3 and later and is installed into the Bin subfolder together with the Remote Administration Console (the default location of this folder is C:\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader Server 14.0\Bin).

The following four applets are available:

  • Start-Server
  • Stop-Server
  • Create-Station
  • Remove-Station

The Start-Server applet sends a start command to the server.

FRS.Cli.exe Start-Server [/Server:<address>] [/Password:<password>] [/IgnoreVersion:<value>]

The Stop-Server applet sends a stop command to the server.

FRS.Cli.exe Stop-Server [/Server:<address>] [/Password:<password>] [/IgnoreVersion:<value>]

Option Value Description
/Server <address> The IP address or the name of the computer hosting the server FineReader Server host. The default value is
/Password <password>

The Chief Administrator's password. If no password is specified, the current user's credentials will be used. No Chief Administrator's password is specified by default.

Note. Leave this option empty to use your credentials.

/NoLogo - Suppresses the FRS.Cli splash screen.
/IgnoreVersion {true|false} If this option is set to true, the sever version will be ignored.
/Help or /? - Shows command line Help.

The Create-Station applet registers a Processing Station on the server.

FRS.Cli.exe Create-Station [/Server:<address>] [/Password:<password>] [/IgnoreVersion:<value>] /Location:<address> [/Name:<name>]

The Remove-Station applet unregisters a Processing Station from the server.

FRS.Cli.exe Remove-Station [/Server:<address>] [/Password:<password>] [/IgnoreVersion:<value>] /Location:<address> [/Name:<name>]

Option Value Description
/Server <address> The IP address or the name of the FineReader Server host. The default value is
/Password <password>

The Chief Administrator's password. If no password is specified, the current user's credentials will be used. No Chief Administrator's password is specified by default.

Note. Leave this option empty to use your credentials.

/IgnoreVersion {true|false} If this option is set to true, the sever version will be ignored.
/Location <address> The IP address or the name of the Processing Station host. This is a required parameter.
/Name <name> A name to display for this Processing Station. If no name is specified, the Processing Station's location will be displayed.
/NoLogo - Suppresses the FRS.Cli splash screen.
/Help or /? - Shows command line Help.


.\FRS.Cli.exe Start-server /Server:FRS14ServerLocation /Password:AdminPassword

Sends a start command to the server installed at FRS14ServerLocation using the Chief Administrator's credentials.

.\FRS.Cli.exe Create-Station /Server:FRS14ServerLocation /Password:AdminPassword /Location:ProcStationLocation /Name:Station1

Register a Processing Station named "Station1" and located at ProcStationLocation on the Server Manager located at FRS14ServerLocation.

3/26/2024 1:49:48 PM

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