Connection Settings

Connection protocols

ABBYY FineReader Server can use the Named Pipes or TCP/IP protocol to connect to the computers where its components are installed. By default, immediately after the installation the TCP/IP protocol is used. If a connection with the computer where one of the components has been installed is not established, you may not be able to register a Processing Station. In order to make these computers available, please make sure that it has file sharing enabled and ports 3990-3993 opened.

You can assign Named Pipes protocol when installing ABBYY FineReader Server. Please follow the instruction below:

  1. Specify the following option when installing ABBYY FineReader Server from the command line: CREATE_NAMED_PIPES_NETWORK_SETTINGS=1.
  2. Please make sure that it has file sharing enabled and port 445 opened.
  3. A file named NetworkProtocolSettings.xml containing connection settings for FineReader Server components will be created in the %ProgramData%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14 folder during installation.

If ABBYY FineReader Server is already installed, you can still change the connection protocol as described below:

To change the protocol from TCP/IP to Named Pipes:
  1. Stop the Server Manager and all the Processing Station services using the Services (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services).
  2. In the command line, specify the path to the configuration utility ConfigureOCRServer.exe (C:\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader Server 14\Bin) followed by this parameter: ConfigureOCRServer.exe /CREATE_TCP_IP_NETWORK_SETTINGS.
    When you execute this command, a file named NetworkProtocolSettings.xml will be created in the %ProgramData%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14 folder. This file will contain the following text:

<NetworkProtocolSettings Protocol="NamedPipes"/>

  1. Restart all services.
To change the protocol from Named Pipes to TCP/IP:

You can just delete or rename the NetworkProtocolSettings.xml file. You can also create a configuration file for connections using the TCP/IP protocol as described below:

  1. Stop the Server Manager and all the Processing Station services using the Services (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services).
  2. In the command line, specify the path to the configuration utility ConfigureOCRServer.exe (C:\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader Server 14\Bin) followed by this parameter: ConfigureOCRServer.exe /CREATE_TCP_IP_NETWORK_SETTINGS.
    When you execute this command, a file named NetworkProtocolSettings.xml will be created in the %ProgramData%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14 folder. This file will contain the default connection settings for FineReader Server components:

<NetworkProtocolSettings Protocol="TcpIp">

You can specify different ports in the command above by specifying additional parameters: /StationPort=1 /ServerPort1=2 /ServerPort2=3 /FeedGeneratorEp=4. You can also change the port values in the NetworkProtocolSettings.xml file at any time.

  1. Restart all services.

Important! On all computers where ABBYY FineReader Server components are installed, the values of the Protocol, ServerPort1, ServerPort2, and StationPort keys must be identical.

Note. If the NetworkProtocolSettings.xml file already exists, you can change the connection protocol from Named Pipes to TCP/IP and vice-versa by changing the contents of this file and restarting the Server Manager and Processing Station services.

3/26/2024 1:49:48 PM

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