Getting data using the API
Path to the Business Process Reporting data storage
Entry points:
The full path to the data storage is a link that can be modified.
For access via the ABBYY FlexiCapture authentication module, the following is added to the link: /FCAuth
Authorized access is allowed in the following cases:
- For authorized ABBYY FlexiCapture users.
- When using SAML/JWT tokens.
If the tenant is not the default one, the following parameter is added to the link: ?Tenant=<tenant name>.
Creating requests
Only GET requests are accepted.
List returns a list of filenames in JSON format.
File returns a file with the specified name (which should be encoded in URL format).
View returns a list of filenames in HTML format and inserts links to the files using the File command described above. As such, this request allows you to use the provided links to open files in your browser and save copies of them to your local machine.
Getting Business Process Reporting reports using PowerShell scripts
The script below lets tenant users with Administrator or Monitoring Operator roles get business process monitoring data.
Reports are saved in CSV format to the folder where the script was launched from.
$serviceHost = 'http://localhost' #Host
$user=$null #User
$pass=$null #Password
$tenant=$null #Tenant name
$baseUrl = $serviceHost
if( $user ) {
$baseUrl += '/flexicapture12/server/FCAuth/Reporting/'
} else { $baseUrl += '/flexicapture12/server/Reporting/'
}function createBasicCredentials() #Transforms password to encrypted strings
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $pass -AsPlainText -Force
return New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user, $secpasswd)
function getListFromUrl( $url ) #Authenticates using entered credentials
if( $tenant ) {
$url = $url + '?Tenant=' + [uri]::EscapeUriString( $tenant );
if( $user ) {
$creds = createBasicCredentials -user $user -pass $pass
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Credential $creds -Uri $url;
} else {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url;
$fileList = $response.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json;
return $fileList.reportFiles;
function getBatchStateFileList() #Requests a list of BatchState files
$url = $baseUrl + 'BatchState/List';
return getListFromUrl -url $url
function getBatchRoutingFileList() #Requests a list of BatchRouting files
$url = $baseUrl + 'BatchRouting/List';
return getListFromUrl -url $url
function downloadFile ( $fileName, $outDir ) #Downloads files
$url = $baseUrl + 'BatchState/File/' + [uri]::EscapeUriString( $fileName );
if( $tenant ) {
$url = $url + '?Tenant=' + [uri]::EscapeUriString( $tenant );
$outPath = Join-Path -Path $outDir -ChildPath $fileName
if( $user ) {
$creds = createBasicCredentials -user $user -pass $pass
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Credential $creds -Uri $url;
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Credential $creds -Uri $url -OutFile $outPath
} else {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -OutFile $outPath
$files = getBatchStateFileList; #Uploads BatchState files to the current directory
foreach ($file in $files) {
downloadFile -fileName $file -outDir '.\'
$files = getBatchRoutingFileList; #Uploads BatchRouting files to the current directory
foreach ($file in $files) {
downloadFile -fileName $file -outDir '.\'
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