Selecting and Moving Form Elements

You must select a form element before you can move or edit it.

To select a form element:

  1. On the Form Elements toolbar, click the Selection tool.
  2. Click the desired form element.

To move a form element:

  1. Select the element you wish to move.
  2. Place the mouse cursor inside the element. The arrow will change to .
  3. Click the element, hold down the mouse button and move the element to the desired location on the form.

To move several elements at a time:

  1. Select the elements you wish to move (click the Selection tool, hold down the Shift button and click all the elements you wish to move).
  2. Place the mouse cursor inside one of the selected elements. The arrow will change to .
  3. Click one of the selected elements, hold down the mouse button and move the selected elements to the desired location on the form.

When you create an entry field (either text, number, or date field), it is linked with its name. When you move such a field, its name also moves.

Moving an element (or several elements) while holding down the Ctrl key will create a copy of this element (these elements).

To select elements that are part of a group of elements, click inside the group. When you move a group, all the elements in this group are moved.

You can view and edit the common properties of the selected elements.

See also:

Merging Form Elements

Using Rulers to Align Form Elements

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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