Main Window Menus
Item | Description | |
New... | Opens the Quick Start dialog box, which contains the commands often used when starting the application: open a file, open a file from the list of recently opened files; create a blank form or start the Form Wizard. | |
Open... | Opens a form. | |
Save | Saves a form. | |
Save As... | Saves a form under a new name, or saves a form/page as a sample. | |
Export To | Image File... | Exports a form to an image file. |
Image file with color separation... | Exports a color form to an image file with color separation - a black and white TIFF file and a color TIFF file. | |
XML Form Definition... | Exports a form to XML Form Definition format (only for published forms). | |
PDF Form... |
Exports an ABBYY FormDesigner form to a PDF form (only for published forms). You can also add response buttons to the form: for e-mail and/or website response, and set export parameters. To export to a PDF form, your form must have at least one editable field. |
InfoPath Form... |
Exports an ABBYY FormDesigner to an InfoPath form. To export to an InfoPath form, your form must have at least one editable field. |
Adobe Illustrator File... | Exports your form to an Adobe Illustrator file. | |
PDF Form... | Exports a form to an image file. | |
Import from Searchable PDF file... | Imports a form from a PDF file created in another form layout editor. | |
Publish Form | Publishes the form. | |
Save Editable Copy As... | Saves a copy of the form which can then be edited. | |
Distribute Form... | Opens the Form Distribution Wizard, where you can select form sending and receiving parameters. | |
Print Setup... | Opens the Print Setup dialog box. | |
Print Preview | Shows how a form will look when you print it. | |
Prints the form with default print settings. | ||
Print Filled-Out Forms... | Prints out forms filled out with values from a file or a database. | |
Recent form | Displays the list of recently opened files. Select any of the recent files to open it. |
Item | Description |
Undo | Cancels the results of the last action. |
Redo | Cancels the results of the last Undo action. |
Cut | Cuts a selection (element or text) and places it into the Clipboard. |
Copy | Copies a selection (element or text) to the Clipboard. |
Paste | Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the form. |
Delete | Deletes the selected elements. The fields in the document structure that are linked to these elements will also be deleted. |
Duplicate | Duplicates the selected elements. |
Edit Text | Allows you to edit the text within the selected text or checkmark field element. |
Rename Field | Renames the selected field. |
Delete Block | Deletes the selected elements without deleting their linked fields ion the document structure. |
Select All | Selects all the elements on the current form. |
Select by Type... | Opens the Select by Type dialog box, where you can specify the types of elements to be selected. |
Item | Description | |
Toolbars | Standard | Shows/hides the Standard toolbar. |
Formatting | Shows/hides the Formatting toolbar. | |
Form Elements | Shows/hides the Form Elements toolbar. | |
Design Tools | Shows/hides the Design Tools toolbar. | |
Large Toolbar Buttons | Makes the buttons on the toolbars large/small. | |
Status Bar | Shows/hides the Status bar. The Status Bar displays explanations for buttons and menu items, the size, position, and type of the selected element, as well as page properties. | |
Document Structure | Shows/hides the document structurepane. | |
Element Properties | Shows/hides the element properties window. | |
Grid | Shows/hides the grid. | |
Main ruler | Shows/ hides the main ruler. | |
Margins | Shows/hides the margins. | |
Snap to Grid | Snaps the top left corner of newly created elements to the nearest grid node. When moving a form element, it will also be snapped to the nearest grid node. | |
Snap Align Rulers to Elements | Turns on/off the automatic binding of elements to rulers. If this mode is turned on, when you move a ruler on the form, it will be automatically bound to the elements that are sufficiently close to it. | |
Show Align Rulers | Shows/hides alignment rulers. | |
Delete All Align Rulers | Removes all alignment rulers. | |
Zoom | 200% | Zooms the Form window to 200%. |
150% | Zooms the Form window to 150%. | |
100% | Zooms the Form window to 100%. | |
75% | Zooms the Form window to 75%. | |
50% | Zooms the Form window to 50%. | |
Fit to Width | Fits the image to the width of the Form window. | |
Fit to Height | Fits the image to the height of the Form window. | |
Best Fit | Fits the entire image to the Form window. | |
Zoom Out | Halves the form image. | |
Zoom In | Doubles the form image. |
Menu Item | Description | |
Form Properties... | Opens the Form Properties dialog box. | |
Add Page | Empty | Adds an empty page to a form. |
Based on Page Sample... | Adds a page created based on a sample. | |
Delete Page | Deletes the current page. | |
Page Properties... | Opens the Page Properties dialog box. |
Item | Description | |
Draw an Element | Selection Tool | Selects a tool on the Form Elements toolbar or an element on the form. |
Entry Field | Selects the Entry Field tool that adds an entry field element to the form. | |
Date Field | Selects the Date Field tool that adds an date field element to the form. | |
Numeric Field | Selects the Numeric Field tool that adds an numeric field element to the form. | |
Checkmark Field | Selects the Checkmark Field tool that adds a checkmark field element to the form. | |
Group of Elements | Selects the Group of Elements tool that adds a group of elements to the form. | |
Table | Selects the Table tool that adds an table element to the form. | |
Vertical Separator | Selects the Vertical Separator tool that adds an vertical separator to the table. | |
Horizontal Separator | Selects the Horizontal Separator tool that adds an horizontal separator to the table. | |
Delete Separator | Selects the Delete Separator tool that deletes a separator from the table. | |
Vertical Ruler | Selects the Vertical Ruler tool that adds a vertical ruler to the form. | |
Horizontal Ruler | Selects the Horizontal Ruler tool that adds a horizontal ruler to the form. | |
Text | Selects the Text tool that adds a text element to the form. | |
Line Separator | Selects the Line Separator tool that adds a line separator element to the form. | |
Rectangle | Selects the Rectangle tool that adds a frame element to the form. | |
Picture | Selects the Picture tool that adds a picture element to the form. | |
Anchor | Selects the Anchor tool that adds an anchor element to the form. | |
Identifier | Selects the Identifier tool that adds an identifier element to the form. | |
Filling Template… | Adds a filled-out sample to the form. | |
Group of checkmarks... | Opens Checkmark Group Creation Wizard which allows you to create a checkmark group element and add it to the form. | |
Align | Left | Aligns the selected elements to the left edge of the last selected element. |
Center Horizontally | Centers the selected elements along the center of the last selected element without changing their vertical position. | |
Right | Aligns the selected elements to the right edge of the last selected element. | |
Top | Aligns the selected elements to the top edge of the last selected element. | |
Center Vertically | Centers the selected elements along the center of the last selected element without changing their horizontal position. | |
Bottom | Aligns the selected elements to the bottom edge of the last selected element. | |
To Grid | Aligns the top left corners of all the selected elements to the nearest grid nodes. | |
Space Evenly Across | Spaces selected elements evenly across the page. | |
Space Evenly Down | Spaces selected elements evenly down the page. | |
Size | Make Same Width | Makes the width of all the selected elements the same as the width of the last selected element. |
Make Same Height | Makes the height of all the selected elements the same as the height of the last selected element. | |
Make Same Width and Height | Makes the height and width of all the selected elements the same as the height and width of the last selected element. | |
Size to Grid | Expands the borders of the selected element to the nearest grid lines. | |
Size to Fit | Expands or shrinks the borders of the selected element to fit them to the size of the data inside. | |
Bring to Front | Moves the selected elements to the foreground. | |
Send to Back | Moves the selected elements to the background. | |
Merge | Merges the selected elements on the form. | |
Split | Splits the selected elements on the form. | |
Add to Merged Elements | Adds elements to previously merged elements. Both the elements to be added and the previously merged elements must be selected. |
Item | Description |
Check Form | Checks if the form is machine-readable. |
Options... | Opens the Options dialog box, where you can change the main window view, export parameters and empty pages layout properties. |
Item | Description |
Help Topics | Opens ABBYY FormDesigner help file. |
Web Help | Opens ABBYY FormDesigner help website. |
Technical Support | Opens the Technical Support page of the Help file. |
Send feedback... |
Sends feedback on ABBYY FormDesigner to ABBYY. The company page will open, where you can find an ABBYY FormDesigner & ABBYY FlexiCapture feedback form. |
About | Opens the About ABBYY FormDesigner 12 window containing brief information about the program. |
12.04.2024 18:16:02