Zoom Viewer Commands

Below is the list of commands available in Zoom Viewer. The commands can be called by:

  • selecting an item from a context menu,
  • pressing a hot key,
  • using the DoCommand method of the Commands subobject of a component

However, not all these methods are available for each command. Availability of this or that calling method is described in the table below: "+" means that the command is available by default, "*" — the command can be added by developer. See also Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component.

MenuItemEnum constant Description Context menu DoCommand Hot key Other
MI_AnalyzeLayout Analyzes layout of the active image page automatically. + + Ctrl+E
MI_AnalyzeLayoutInBlock Analyzes layout in the active area automatically. + +
MI_AnalyzeTableStructure Draws rows and columns in the selected table automatically. + +
MI_BlockDelete Deletes selected blocks. + + Del
MI_BlockType_BackgroundPicture Changes the type of the selected block to Background Picture. + +
MI_BlockType_Barcode Changes the type of the selected block to Barcode. + + Ctrl+5
MI_BlockType_Picture Changes the type of the selected block to Picture. + + Ctrl+4
MI_BlockType_RecognitionArea Changes the type of the selected block to Recognition Area. + + Ctrl+1
MI_BlockType_Table Changes the type of the selected block to Table. + + Ctrl+3
MI_BlockType_Text Changes the type of the selected block to Text. + + Ctrl+2
MI_LanguageEditor Opens the Language Editor dialog box, which allows you to select and edit recognition languages. * + Ctrl+Shift+L
MI_LayoutClear Deletes all blocks on the page. + + Ctrl+Del
MI_MergeTableCells Merges the selected table cells into one. + + In the pop-up icon menu of a table block
MI_Options Shows the Options dialog box, which allows you to specify different viewing and saving options. * +
MI_Read Recognizes the active page. + + Ctrl+R
MI_ReadBlock Recognizes the selected block. + + Ctrl+Shift+B
MI_Redo Cancels the latest undone action. * + Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+Y
MI_Scale_100 Selects 100% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_200 Selects 200% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_300 Selects 300% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_400 Selects 400% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_50 Selects 50% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_600 Selects 600% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_800 Selects 800% scale value for an image. + +
MI_Scale_FitToWidth Fits image view to width. + +
MI_Scale_PixelToPixel Displays image in its actual size in pixels. + + Pixel-to-Pixel button on the bottom pane of Zoom Viewer
MI_Scale_ZoomIn Zooms into the image. + + Zoom In button on the bottom pane of Zoom Viewer
MI_Scale_ZoomOut Zooms out of the image. + + Zoom Out button on the bottom pane of Zoom Viewer
MI_Scale_ZoomToSelBlocks Maximizes the selected blocks. * + Ctrl+Shift+Num*
MI_SelectAll Selects all blocks in Zoom Viewer. * + Ctrl+A
MI_Separator Adds a separator to the toolbar or context menu. +
MI_SplitTableCells Splits the previously merged cells. + + In the pop-up icon menu of a table block
MI_SubMenu Adds submenu to the context menu. +
MI_TextDirectionAuto Specifies that CJK text direction should be automatically detected. + +
MI_TextDirectionHorizontal Specifies that CJK text has horizontal writing direction. + +
MI_TextDirectionVertical Specifies that CJK text has vertical writing direction. + +
MI_TextNormal Specifies that the text in the block has normal orientation. + +
MI_TextRoleArtefact Specifies that the text in the block has some other role, not listed below. + +
MI_TextRoleCaption Specifies that the text in the block is a caption. + +
MI_TextRoleIncutText Specifies that the text in the block is a boxed text. + +
MI_TextRoleLineNumbers Specifies that the text in the block is line numbers. + +
MI_TextRoleMainText Specifies that the text in the block is a body text. + +
MI_TextRoleRunningTitle Specifies that the text in the block is a header or footer. + +
MI_TextRoleUnknown Specifies that the role of the text in the block is undefined. + +
MI_TextRotatedLeft Specifies that the text in the block is rotated left. + +
MI_TextRotatedRight Specifies that the text in the block is rotated right. + +
MI_TextUpsideDown Specifies that the text in the block is rotated upside down. + +
MI_Undo Cancels the latest action. * + Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+Z
MI_ViewDictionaries Opens the Select Dictionary dialog box, which allows you to view and edit dictionary properties. * + Ctrl+Alt+D
MI_CustomCommand1 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand2 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand3 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand4 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand5 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand6 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand7 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand8 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand9 Allows you to define a custom command. * +
MI_CustomCommand10 Allows you to define a custom command. * +

See also

Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component



9/17/2024 3:14:40 PM

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