Visual Components Localization
ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components provide several interface languages. So if you select one of these languages, all message boxes, error messages, and recognizer tips of the Visual Components will be in this language. The list of supported interface languages is the same as that for ABBYY FineReader Engine. The specific set of languages that are supported by your system depends on the availability of resource modules.
However, you can localize the Visual Components to any interface language which is currently not supported. To localize the Visual Components to an unsupported language, do the following:
- Select the supported interface language you do not use. For example, English language.
Note: The locale for the selected messages language must be installed on the computer.
- As the resource modules corresponding to the selected interface language will be corrupted during localization, save the resource files that you will edit. Refer to the ABBYY FineReader Engine Distribution Kit section to know which modules are necessary for your application.
For example, you want to localize files Shell*.dll, SendToSupport*.dll, FineUI*.dll, where * is a postfix number corresponding to the selected interface language. The meanings of the postfix numbers are:
0 — for English interface language
1 — for Russian interface language
2 — for German interface language
3 — for French interface language
4 — for Ukrainian interface language
5 — for Spanish interface language
6 — for Italian interface language
7 — for Dutch interface language
8 — for Danish interface language
9 — for Swedish interface language
14 — for Slovak interface language
15 — for Polish interface language
16 — for Czech interface language
17 — for Hungarian interface language
20 — for Estonian interface language
22 — for Greek interface language
23 — for Bulgarian interface language
24 — for Turkish interface language
26 — for Japanese interface language
27 — for Portuguese (Brazil) interface language
63 — for Korean interface language
64 — for Chinese (PRC) interface language
65 — for Chinese (Taiwan) interface language
So for the English language the resource modules are Shell0.dll, SendToSupport0.dll, FineUI0.dll.
- Localize all the resources in the selected resource modules. (For example, you can use the utility from Run the Localize.exe file, click the "Add File" button. In the dialog box that opened, select the .dll file which resources have to be translated. Translate all the resources and click the "Put to the program" button).
- Copy the localized files to the FineReader Engine Bin (Bin64) folder.
To use the new interface language, you should do one of the following:
- Select the new interface language with the help of the MessagesLanguage property of the Engine object. Set the value of the MessagesLanguage property to the MessagesLanguageEnum constant corresponding to the replaced message language. For example, if the English language was replaced, set the MessagesLanguage property to ML_English. In order that interface language changes can be fully applied, reload the Engine object.
- Modify data of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABBYY\SDK\12\FineReader Engine\InterfaceLanguage value in the registry. Specify in the value data the postfix number of the interface language you replaced. So, if the English language was replaced, the value data should be 0.
When the new message language is selected, it will be used for all the applications which use this version of the ABBYY FineReader Engine.
See also
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