GetAvailableLicenses Method of the Engine Object

This method provides access to the collection of available licenses for a given Customer Project ID.

The subset of all licenses that is returned depends on the type of the installation:

  1. For Developer installation (Protection.Developer.dll file is present in the Bin or Bin64 folder of the installation folder) the method returns only Developer licenses and those Runtime licenses for which debugging is allowed. By default debugging is not allowed for Runtime licenses, but it can be turned on by request.
  2. For Runtime installation (Protection.dll file is present in the Bin or Bin64 folder of the installation folder) the method returns all activated licenses that match the CustomerProjectID.



HRESULT GetAvailableLicenses(
  BSTR        CustomerProjectID,
  BSTR        Reserved,
  ILicenses** Result


ILicenses GetAvailableLicenses(
  string CustomerProjectID,
  string Reserved

Visual Basic .NET

Function GetAvailableLicenses( _
  CustomerProjectID As String, _
  Reserved As String _
) As ILicenses


[in] Specifies the Customer Project ID number.
[in] Reserved for future use. The empty string "" or Null pointer should be passed.
[out, retval] A pointer to ILicenses* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer of the output Licenses object.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.

See also



9/17/2024 3:14:40 PM

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