PredefinedLanguage Object (IPredefinedLanguage Interface)
This object represents a single predefined language from a collection of ABBYY FineReader Engine predefined languages. Predefined languages are languages that are supported by default. This object contains properties reflecting predefined language attributes, such as its external name, components and category. Property TextLanguage contains the corresponding text language.
Name | Type | Description |
Application | Engine, read-only | Returns the Engine object. |
ExternalName | BSTR, read-only | Stores the external name of the predefined language. This name is localized and may be used in user interface. The value of this property depends on the current messages language (IEngine::MessagesLanguage property). For example if the messages language is English, then the name of the predefined language corresponding to the French, will be "French". If the messages language is French, then the name of the same predefined language will be "Français". |
InternalName | BSTR, read-only | Stores the internal name of the predefined language. It is this name that should be passed to the IPredefinedLanguages::Find method. For the list of available internal names of the predefined languages see List of ABBYY FineReader Engine predefined languages. |
LanguageCategory | LanguageCategoryEnum, read-only | Indicates the category to which the current predefined language belongs. You may use this property to organize languages in your user interface. |
TextLanguage | TextLanguage, read-only |
Provides access to the TextLanguage object corresponding to the current predefined language. The TextLanguage object returned by this property is read-only (its modification methods return E_FAIL). Whenever you need to create an editable text language corresponding to a predefined recognition language, do the following two steps:
You may want to use this property to initialize the IRecognizerParams::TextLanguage property with the value corresponding to the predefined language. The alternative way is to call the IRecognizerParams::SetPredefinedTextLanguage method. |
Related objects
Output parameter
This object is the output parameter of the Item, Find methods of the PredefinedLanguages object.
C# code
The object is used in the following code samples: CustomLanguage; and demo tools: BatchProcessingRecognition, Camera OCR, Engine Predefined Processing Profiles, Image Preprocessing, MultiProcessingRecognition, PDFExportProfiles.
See also
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