ABBYY FineReader Engine Distribution Kit
ABBYY FineReader Engine library is implemented as a set of dynamic link libraries (DLL) and additional modules. After you’ve installed the library with Developer License, its type library is registered in the system registry.
The description of the files of the library is given in the tables below. The list of files supplied in different ABBYY FineReader Engine distribution kits may not be the same as in the list below and may vary depending on the product’s version. These tables also specify what files should be distributed as a part of your application, and what should not.
You can use the FREngineDistribution.csv file to automatically create a list of files required for your application to function.
Include files, help, code samples
You can find the Help, Inc and Samples folders in the FineReader Engine data folder: %ProgramData%\ABBYY\SDK\12\FineReader Engine.
File name | Description | Distribution |
Help folder | ||
FREngine12UserGuide.pdf | The PDF version of this manual. | No. |
FREngine12AdminGuide.pdf | System administrator’s guide. | No. |
FREngineDistribution.csv | The list of files in the Bin, Bin64, and Data folders saved in the CSV format. See Working with the FREngineDistribution.csv File for instructions on how to automatically generate the list of files for distribution. | No. |
HM2GO.EXE | The local HTTP server for viewing HTML help. This file may be not present if you selected not to install the documentation server. | No. |
Help\CodeSamplesLibrary folder | ||
All files in this folder. | The ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 Code Samples Library including detailed descriptions of code samples. | No. |
Help\HTML folder | ||
All files in this folder. | This manual. | No. |
Inc folder | ||
FREngine.h, FREngine_i.c | ABBYY FineReader Engine API declaration files. | Never distribute these files. They are intended for developer purposes only. |
FREngine.tlb | ABBYY FineReader Engine type library description. | Redistribute this file if you load the Engine object to your application using COM loaders. |
ComparisonResultXmlSchema.xsd | XML schema representing the comparison result of the documents or pages with their copies. | No. |
FineReader10-schema-v1.xsd | XML schema for the document representing OCR results exported by FineReader Engine. | No. |
MrzXmlSchema.xsd | XML schema for the data extracted from MRZ. | No. |
LicensingSettings.xsd | XML schema for the LicensingSettings.xml file. | No. |
Inc\.Net interops folder | ||
All subfolders and files contained in them. | This folder contains .NET wrappers for FineReader Engine type libraries. These wrappers are generated for Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8. The wrappers corresponding to each version are placed in the v3.5, v4.0, v4.5, v4.6, v4.7, v4.8 subfolders, respectively. | If you use .NET developer tools, redistribute the Interop.FREngine.dll file corresponding to your .NET Framework version. |
Inc\Java folder | ||
com.abbyy.FREngine-%BUILD_ID%.jar | Java class library for FineReader Engine. | Redistribute this file if you develop a Java application. |
Samples folder | ||
All files in this folder. | This folder contains sample code illustrating ABBYY FineReader Engine usage in C++ with and without Native COM support, C#, Visual Basic .NET, Delphi,and scripting languages. See the Description of the ABBYY FineReader Engine Samples section for details. | No. |
ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 folder
The Bin64 folder contains 64-bit versions of files. The Bin folder contains 32-bit versions of files. Files in the Data folder are common both for 32 and 64-bit versions.
File name | Description | Distribution |
Bin folder | ||
Export.Alto.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to ALTO format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to ALTO format. |
ScanTwain.exe ScanWia.exe twain.dat wia.dat |
These files are necessary for scanning. |
Redistribute only if you intend to use scanning functionality.
Bin, Bin64 folders | ||
FREngine.Jni.dll | Java class library for ABBYY FineReader Engine. | Redistribute this file if you develop a Java application. |
FREngine.DotNet.Interop.dll | .NET Core wrapper for ABBYY FineReader Engine. | Redistribute this file if you develop a .NET Core application. |
Awl.dll AwlGdi.dll AwlOle.dll AbbyyZlib.dll DocumentAnalysis.Objects.dll DocumentProcessing.dll FineNet.dll FineObj.dll FObjEventSrc.dll LangInfoUnicode.dll OcrEngine.Undo.dll OcrEngine.Document.dll RegExp.dll TextLayout.dll LanguageDatabase.dll FineFormats.dll StandaloneProperties.dll NeoML.dll NeoMathEngine.dll ExtraNeoML.Dnn.dll BlockCorrection.dll FREngine.dll FREngine.dlp |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules. |
FREngine.exe | ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for working with the Engine loaded out-of-process. | These files are only necessary if you load the Engine object in your application using the OutprocLoader object. |
FREngineProcessor.exe FREngineProcessor.dlp |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for parallel processing. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to use parallel processing. |
FREngineProcessor0.dll FREngineProcessor1.dll FREngineProcessor2.dll FREngineProcessor3.dll FREngineProcessor4.dll FREngineProcessor5.dll FREngineProcessor6.dll FREngineProcessor7.dll FREngineProcessor8.dll FREngineProcessor9.dll FREngineProcessor14.dll FREngineProcessor15.dll FREngineProcessor16.dll FREngineProcessor17.dll FREngineProcessor20.dll FREngineProcessor22.dll FREngineProcessor23.dll FREngineProcessor24.dll FREngineProcessor26.dll FREngineProcessor27.dll FREngineProcessor63.dll FREngineProcessor64.dll FREngineProcessor65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine resource modules for different interface languages, used in parallel processing. See Interface language identifiers for details. |
These resource files are only necessary if you use parallel processing in your application and you intend your application to display messages in a certain language. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface language you want to use.
Icr.RecPage.dll Icr.CnnGraphemeRecognizer.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system module. | This file is only necessary if you intend your application to recognize handprinted text. |
Image.Codec.AbbyyLossless.dll Image.Codec.Ccitt.dll Image.Codec.Jbig2.dll Image.Codec.Jpeg.dll Image.Codec.Lzw.dll Image.Codec.Packbits.dll Image.Codec.Zip.dll Image.Services.Core.dll Image.Services.Advanced.dll Image.Services.Transforms.dll Image.Helper.CMS.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for opening image files. | These files are necessary for image opening. |
Image.Format.Bmp.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing BMP image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in BMP format. |
Image.Format.DjVu.dll Image.Helper.DjVuCaminova.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for processing DjVu image files. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to process image files in DjVu format. |
Image.Format.Gif.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing GIF image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in GIF format. |
Image.Format.Jbig2.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing JBIG2 image files and saving images in JBIG2 format. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in JBIG2 format, or export any documents with pictures using the JBIG2 image codec. |
Image.Format.Jpeg.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing JPEG image files and saving images in JPEG format. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in JPEG format, or export any documents with pictures using the JPEG image codec. |
Image.Format.Pcx.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing PCX image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in PCX format. |
Image.Format.Png.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing PNG image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in PNG format. |
Image.Format.Tiff.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing TIFF image files. Also necessary for all processing operations with ImageDocument. | Redistribute this file if your application performs layout analysis or recognition, or opens images in TIFF format. |
Image.Format.Wdp.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing WDP image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in WDP format. |
Image.Format.Wic.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing WIC-compatible image files. | This file is provided for Windows Imaging Component support. If your application uses it, the COM library must be initialized before getting the Engine object. |
Image.Format.Jpeg2k.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing JPEG 2000 image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in JPEG 2000 format, or export any documents with pictures using JPEG 2000 image codec. |
Image.Helper.Kakadu.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for processing JPEG 2000 image files. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process image files in JPEG 2000 format. |
Image.Helper.openCV.dll opencv_core420.dll opencv_objdetect420.dll opencv_calib3d420.dll opencv_imgproc420.dll opencv_features2d420.dll opencv_flann420.dll opencv_xfeatures2d_sift420.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for detecting barcodes. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to detect barcodes. |
Image.Services.Cnn.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for using in neural network mechanisms. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to process barcodes or use document classification functionality. |
concrt140.dll msvcp140.dll msvcp140_1.dll msvcp140_2.dll msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll vccorlib140.dll vcomp140.dll vcruntime140.dll |
Microsoft C run-time libraries. | Mandatory. |
Barcode.dll DocumentAnalysis.Classification.dll DocumentAnalysis.ObjectsExtraction.dll DocumentAnalysis.PageServices.dll DocumentAnalysis.Segmentation.dll Morphology.dll Recognizer.dll Synthesis.dll RecPage.dll RecognizerCnnTools.dll EndToEndRecognition.dll Spl.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for analysis and recognition. | Redistribute these files if your application uses ABBYY FineReader Engine to analyze layouts or recognize documents. |
FontSupport.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for analysis, recognition and export. | Redistribute this file if your application uses analysis, recognition or export processing stages. |
BatchComparator.dll BatchComparator.dlp TextLayoutTools.dll TextLayoutTools.dlp |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for document comparison. | Redistribute this file if your application uses ABBYY FineReader Engine to compare the documents. |
Export.Common.dll Export.PictureProcessor.dll Export.Resources.dat |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for document export. | Redistribute these files if your application uses FineReader Engine export API. |
Export.Djvu.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to djvu format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to djvu format. |
Export.Excel.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to XLS or XLSX format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to XLS or XLSX format. |
Export.FineXMl.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to XML format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to XML format. |
Export.HtmlEbooks.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to HTML, ePub, or fb2 format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to HTML, ePub, or fb2 format. |
Export.Pptx.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to PPTX format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to PPTX format. |
Export.Txt.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to TXT or CSV format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to TXT or CSV format. |
Export.WP.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to RTF, DOCX, or ODT format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to RTF, DOCX, or ODT format. |
Export.Xps.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to XPS format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to XPS format. |
Export.Exact.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to HTML, XLSX, or TXT format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to HTML, XLSX, or TXT format. |
AooConverter.dll ConfigureDcAooConverter.exe DcAooConverter.dll DcAooConverter.exe.config PdfSharp.dll |
The system modules for built-in ABBYY office converter (installed if you select the OfficeConverters module). |
These files are packed into and available for redistribution from Bin (Bin64) folder after you perform Developer installation.
OfficeConverter.dll OfficeComConverter.exe OfficeComConverter.exe.config DcAooModules.ini |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for converting digital input documents. | Redistribute these files if you intend to process input documents in Office formats. |
Image.Format.Pdf.dll PdfTools.Rasterizator.Pdfium.dll pdfium.dll PdfTools.PdfToolsAuxInfo.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for processing files in PDF format. |
These files are only necessary if you intend your application to process PDF files.
PdfTools.AdobeSupport.dll Export.Pdf.dll PdfTools.Encryption.dll PdfToolkit.dll PdfTools.CommonInstruments.dll PdfTools.Heuristics.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for PDF export. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to export to the PDF format. |
PdfTools.Crypto.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for PDF digital signing and signature verification. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to support PDF digital signing. |
PdfService.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for PDF export using the IEngine::InjectTextLayer method. | Redistribute this file if your application uses the IEngine::InjectTextLayer method. |
OpenTypeSubsetter.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to the PDF/A format. | Necessary if you intend your application to export to the PDF/A format. |
Image.Analysis.dll NLCEngine.dll SemanticDictionariesHolder.dll Text.dll TextAttributes.dll TextClassifier.Core.dll TextClassifier.Text.dll TextClassifier.Manager.dll TextClassifier.Semantic.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for document classification. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to use document classification functionality. |
BusinessCard.Analyser.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for business card recognition. | This file is only necessary if you intend your application to recognize business cards. |
Training.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for patterns training. | This file is only necessary if you intend your application to perform patterns training. |
VisualComponentsX.dll VisualComponentsX.dlp SendToSupport.dll ShellRes.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for Visual Components. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components. |
FineUI.dll FineUIRes.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for Visual Components, dictionary editing and scanning with GUI. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components, dictionary editing or scanning with GUI. |
FREngine.GUI.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for dictionary editing and scanning with GUI. | This file is only necessary if you intend your application to use dictionary editing or scanning with GUI. |
ScanManager.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for scanning. | Redistribute only if you intend to use scanning functionality. |
TextRendering.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module responsible for text rendering. | This file is necessary for export to PDF format and text rendering in Visual Components. |
SharedFiles.ini | This file contains paths to resource files. |
This file is necessary if the distribution kit of your application will have the same folder structure.
MorphoRes0.dll MorphoRes1.dll MorphoRes2.dll MorphoRes3.dll MorphoRes4.dll MorphoRes5.dll MorphoRes6.dll MorphoRes7.dll MorphoRes8.dll MorphoRes9.dll MorphoRes14.dll MorphoRes15.dll MorphoRes16.dll MorphoRes17.dll MorphoRes20.dll MorphoRes22.dll MorphoRes23.dll MorphoRes24.dll MorphoRes26.dll MorphoRes27.dll MorphoRes63.dll MorphoRes64.dll MorphoRes65.dll TechResources0.dll TechResources1.dll TechResources2.dll TechResources3.dll TechResources4.dll TechResources5.dll TechResources6.dll TechResources7.dll TechResources8.dll TechResources9.dll TechResources14.dll TechResources15.dll TechResources16.dll TechResources17.dll TechResources20.dll TechResources22.dll TechResources23.dll TechResources24.dll TechResources26.dll TechResources27.dll TechResources63.dll TechResources64.dll TechResources65.dll FREngine0.dll FREngine1.dll FREngine2.dll FREngine3.dll FREngine4.dll FREngine5.dll FREngine6.dll FREngine7.dll FREngine8.dll FREngine9.dll FREngine14.dll FREngine15.dll FREngine16.dll FREngine17.dll FREngine20.dll FREngine22.dll FREngine23.dll FREngine24.dll FREngine26.dll FREngine27.dll FREngine63.dll FREngine64.dll FREngine65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine resource modules for different interface languages. See Interface language identifiers for details. |
Resource files are only necessary if you intend your application to display messages in a certain language. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface language you want to use.
TrainingUI0.dll TrainingUI1.dll TrainingUI2.dll TrainingUI3.dll TrainingUI4.dll TrainingUI5.dll TrainingUI6.dll TrainingUI7.dll TrainingUI8.dll TrainingUI9.dll TrainingUI14.dll TrainingUI15.dll TrainingUI16.dll TrainingUI17.dll TrainingUI20.dll TrainingUI22.dll TrainingUI23.dll TrainingUI24.dll TrainingUI26.dll TrainingUI27.dll TrainingUI63.dll TrainingUI64.dll TrainingUI65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine resource modules for different interface languages, used in patterns training. See Interface language identifiers for details. |
These resource files are only necessary if you intend your application to perform patterns training and display messages in a certain language. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface language you want to use.
Shell0.dll Shell1.dll Shell2.dll Shell3.dll Shell4.dll Shell5.dll Shell6.dll Shell7.dll Shell8.dll Shell9.dll Shell14.dll Shell15.dll Shell16.dll Shell17.dll Shell20.dll Shell22.dll Shell23.dll Shell24.dll Shell26.dll Shell27.dll Shell63.dll Shell64.dll Shell65.dll SendToSupport0.dll SendToSupport1.dll SendToSupport2.dll SendToSupport3.dll SendToSupport4.dll SendToSupport5.dll SendToSupport6.dll SendToSupport7.dll SendToSupport8.dll SendToSupport9.dll SendToSupport14.dll SendToSupport15.dll SendToSupport16.dll SendToSupport17.dll SendToSupport20.dll SendToSupport22.dll SendToSupport23.dll SendToSupport24.dll SendToSupport26.dll SendToSupport27.dll SendToSupport63.dll SendToSupport64.dll SendToSupport65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components' resource modules for different interface languages. See Interface language identifiers for details. | Resource files are only necessary if you intend your application to use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components and display messages in a certain language. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface language you want to use. |
FineUI0.dll FineUI1.dll FineUI2.dll FineUI3.dll FineUI4.dll FineUI5.dll FineUI6.dll FineUI7.dll FineUI8.dll FineUI9.dll FineUI14.dll FineUI15.dll FineUI16.dll FineUI17.dll FineUI20.dll FineUI22.dll FineUI23.dll FineUI24.dll FineUI26.dll FineUI27.dll FineUI63.dll FineUI64.dll FineUI65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine resource modules for different interface languages, used by Visual Components, dictionary editing, and scanning with GUI. See Interface language identifiers for details. | Resource files are only necessary if you intend your application to use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components, dictionary editing or scanning with GUI. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface language you want to use. |
LicenseManager.exe ProtectionUI.dll LicenseManager12.chm |
The License Manager utility. | Used for activation of Runtime licenses. If you do not need the end user of your application to activate any licenses, you may use the utility during installation of your software and remove it afterwards. |
LicensingSchema.xe ProductLicensingSchema.xe |
ABBYY FineReader Engine licensing and protection modules. | Mandatory. |
Protection.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine licensing and protection module. Used with Runtime licenses only. | Mandatory. |
Protection.Developer.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine licensing and protection module. Used with Developer licenses only. | No. |
LicensingSettings.xml |
ABBYY FineReader Engine activation and protection settings.
Distribution of this file is mandatory if your application works with a network license or with a standalone license with hardware protection.
ProtectionResShared.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine licensing and protection resource module for all interface languages. | Mandatory. |
ProtectionRes0.dll ProtectionRes1.dll ProtectionRes2.dll ProtectionRes3.dll ProtectionRes4.dll ProtectionRes5.dll ProtectionRes6.dll ProtectionRes7.dll ProtectionRes8.dll ProtectionRes9.dll ProtectionRes14.dll ProtectionRes15.dll ProtectionRes16.dll ProtectionRes17.dll ProtectionRes20.dll ProtectionRes22.dll ProtectionRes23.dll ProtectionRes24.dll ProtectionRes26.dll ProtectionRes27.dll ProtectionRes63.dll ProtectionRes64.dll ProtectionRes65.dll |
ABBYY FineReader Engine licensing and protection resource modules for different languages. See Interface language identifiers for details.
Resource files are only necessary if you intend your application to display messages in a certain language. You may redistribute only resource modules corresponding to the interface languages you want to use. |
Scan0.dll Scan1.dll Scan2.dll Scan3.dll Scan4.dll Scan5.dll Scan6.dll Scan7.dll Scan8.dll Scan9.dll Scan14.dll Scan15.dll Scan16.dll Scan17.dll Scan20.dll Scan22.dll Scan23.dll Scan24.dll Scan26.dll Scan27.dll Scan63.dll Scan64.dll Scan65.dll |
Scanning resource modules. Store scanning-specific resources in different interface languages. See Interface language identifiers for details. | Redistribute only if you intend to use scanning and only for the interface languages you want to use. |
License.DjVu.txt | Expat license included in the DjVu SDK. | You must redistribute this file because of the DjVu library licensing requirements. |
Bin/OpenOffice4, Bin64/OpenOffice4 folders | ||
All contents of this folder. | The system modules for built-in ABBYY office converters (installed if you select the OfficeConverters module). | These files are packed into OpenOffice4.exe from and available for redistribution from Bin (Bin64) folder after you perform Developer installation. |
Bin/Support, Bin64/Support folders | ||
AInfo.exe AInfo.ini |
The utility that collects ABBYY FineReader Engine diagnostic information and saves it to a ZIP file. Please provide the ZIP file created by this utility when contacting the technical support service. | This utility is only necessary for saving diagnostic information. |
AInfo0.dll AInfo1.dll AInfo2.dll AInfo3.dll AInfo4.dll AInfo5.dll AInfo6.dll AInfo7.dll AInfo8.dll AInfo9.dll AInfo14.dll AInfo15.dll AInfo16.dll AInfo17.dll AInfo20.dll AInfo22.dll AInfo23.dll AInfo24.dll AInfo26.dll AInfo27.dll AInfo63.dll AInfo64.dll AInfo65.dll |
AInfo utility resource modules for different interface languages. See Interface language identifiers for details. | Redistribute only if you intend to use the AInfo utility and only for the interface languages you want to use. |
Bin64 folder | ||
NeoMathEngineAvx.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules. |
vcruntime140_1.dll | Microsoft C run-time libraries. | Mandatory. |
Export.ALTO.dll | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for export to ALTO format. | Redistribute this file if you intend your application to export files to ALTO format. |
Data folder | ||
USWebCoatedSWOP.icc | ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for opening image files. | These files are necessary for image opening. |
Barcodes.Finder.cnnmodel Barcodes.RawFinder.cnnmodel Barcodes.Binarization.cnnmodel Barcodes.PDF417RowsFinder.cnnmodel Barcodes.PDF417Recognizer.cnnmodel Barcodes.QRCodeModulesFinder.cnnmodel Barcodes.Code39Recognizer.e2e Barcodes.Code128Recognizer.e2e Barcodes.EAN13Recognizer.e2e |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for processing barcodes. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to process barcodes. |
GlyphRecovery0.bin GlyphRecovery1.bin |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for processing files in PDF format. |
These files are only necessary if you intend your application to process PDF files.
DefaultProfiles.peps | ABBYY FineReader Engine system module for PDF export. | This file is necessary if you intend your application to export to PDF format. |
fastconvnet.cnnmodel resnet18scans.cnnmodel mobilenet.cnnmodel |
ABBYY FineReader Engine system modules for document classification. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to use document classification functionality. |
ocr.zmd Normal.cnn AllData.dmi English.lm French.lm German.lm Spanish.lm Russian.lm translations.gtt Generated.gtt substitutions.gst EndToEndModelsDescription.bin EndToEnd.Latin.dmd Handwrite.clc MultyColumn.clc Pictures.clc Shadow.clc Tables.clc TextBlockBuilder.clc TextColumnAnalysis.clc EmptyPage.clc LineQualities.clc EuropeanClassifier.clc Monospace.clc Ranking.clc DANet.clc BlackLines.clc LocateBusinessObjects.clc SegLinks.clc SPLERGE.clc TextGraphicsTypeDetection.clc RedundantLanguagesExclusion.clc |
Recognition databases. | Redistribute these files if your application uses the recognition processing stage. |
Synthesis.FSEmergency.pat Synthesis.FSMerge.pat Synthesis.FSSpacing.pat Synthesis.Paragraphs.pat Compound.clc Compound_X.clc Synthesis.ParagraphAlignment.pat Synthesis.ParagraphIndents.pat Synthesis.ParagraphClusters.pat Synthesis.OverflowedParagraphs.pat Synthesis.RunningTitles.pat Synthesis.SimpleListHypothesis.pat Synthesis.ListItems.pat Synthesis.Monospace.pat |
Recognition databases for page/document synthesis. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to perform synthesis. |
CropClassifierGeneric.imodel FastCrop.imodel CropLaunchCriteria.cnnmodel TextHighlightsDetection.cnnmodel |
Patterns for image preprocessing. | These files are necessary if your application performs image preprocessing. |
Helvetica.0.3.fch Helvetica-Bold.0.3.fch Helvetica-BoldOblique.0.3.fch Helvetica-Oblique.0.3.fch Symbol.0.3.fch Times-Bold.0.3.fch Times-BoldItalic.0.3.fch Times-Italic.0.3.fch Times-Roman.0.3.fch Courier.0.3.fch Courier-Bold.0.3.fch Courier-BoldOblique.0.3.fch Courier-Oblique.0.3.fch ZapfDingbats.0.3.fch AbbyyStdFnt.fonts |
Font metrics. | Redistribute these files if your application uses the recognition processing stage. |
DefaultFont.3.fontdata DefaultMetricsBoldFont.3.fontdata DefaultMetricsFont.3.fontdata DefaultMetricsItalicBoldFont.3.fontdata DefaultMetricsItalicFont.3.fontdata DefaultFont.fnt |
Font metrics for page/document synthesis and for export to PDF. | These files are necessary if you intend your application to perform synthesis or export to PDF format. |
ocr.typewrit.zmd | Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to recognize text printed on a typewriter. |
ocr.ocr_b.zmd | Recognition databases. | For recognition of the OCR-B font only. |
Ocr.Gothic.zmd | Recognition databases. | For recognition of the Gothic fonts only. |
ocr.receipt.zmd | Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to recognize the Receipt text type. |
Handprin.ptc Handprin.pte Handprin.pto Handprin.pts Handprin.ptv Handprin.rseg Handprin.spt Handprin.str Icr.zmd Erasure.spt Erasure.str |
Recognition databases. | Redistribute these files if you support handprint recognition in your application. |
Checkmark.pts Checkmark.ptv Checkmark.ptc Checkmark.spt Checkmark.str CheckmarkClassifier.cnnmodel |
Recognition databases. | For checkmark recognition only. |
EndToEnd.Bangla.dmd Bangla.clc |
Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Bangla. |
Japanese.lm Ocr.CJ.zmd Japanese.tscnn Japanese.Accurate.hypsearch Gray.tscnn EuroOrCjkModelsData.dmd Ocr.Cjk.zmd EndToEnd.Japanese.dmd Chinese.lm |
Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Chinese and Japanese. |
CjkWordFragments.clc | Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. |
Ocr.Korean.zmd Korean.lm |
Recognition databases. | The files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Korean. |
Burmese.clc | Recognition databases. | This file is only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Burmese. |
EndToEnd.ArabicNormal.dmd EndToEnd.ArabicFast.dmd Ocr.Arabic.zmd EndToEnd.Farsi.dmd Arabic.clc |
Recognition databases. | These files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Arabic. |
Thai.clc | Recognition databases. | The files are only necessary if you want your application to recognize texts in Thai. |
BcrSimilarLetters.dfe BusinessCardKeywords.makw BusinessCardFieldsSubsetsQualityCorrectorModels.bfsqcm bcr_embeddings.emb bcr_net_depl.cnn bcr_logo_net_depl.cnn BusinessCardFieldsMaps.dat BusinessCardFieldsQualityModels.bfqm BusinessCardFieldsQualityWONetModels.bfqm |
ABBYY FineReader Engine recognition databases for business card recognition. | These files are only necessary if you intend your application to recognize business cards. |
Asian.imageDoc European.imageDoc |
These files are used by the IEngine::LoadModule method. | Redistribute only if your application uses the IEngine::LoadModule method. |
Data/ExtendedDictionaries folder | ||
Univers.amd Langpack.zmd |
Additional files for all languages that include Latin letters in the alphabet. | Redistribute these files if you use at least one recognition language that uses Latin letters. |
2711.licp 2712.licp 2713.licp 2718.licp 3A4.licp 3A8.licp 3B5.licp 3B6.licp 551.licp |
Additional *.licp files for all languages. | Redistribute these files if you use at least one recognition language. |
Abkhaz.amd | Abkhaz language support. | For recognition of the Abkhaz language only. |
Adyghe.amd | Adyghe language support. | For recognition of the Adyghe language only. |
Afrikns.amd | Afrikaans language support. | For recognition of the Afrikaans language only. |
Agul.amd | Agul language support. | For recognition of the Agul language only. |
Albanian.amd | Albanian language support. | For recognition of the Albanian language only. |
Altaic.amd | Altaic language support. | For recognition of the Altaic language only. |
Awar.amd | Avar language support. | For recognition of the Avar language only. |
Aymara.amd | Aymara language support. | For recognition of the Aymara language only. |
AzeriCyr.amd | Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) language support. | For recognition of the Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) language only. |
Basque.amd | Basque language support. | For recognition of the Basque language only. |
Bemba.amd | Bemba language support. | For recognition of the Bemba language only. |
Blackft.amd | Blackfoot language support. | For recognition of the Blackfoot language only. |
Breton.amd | Breton language support. | For recognition of the Breton language only. |
Bugotu.amd | Bugotu language support. | For recognition of the Bugotu language only. |
Burmese.amd | Burmese language support. | For recognition of the Burmese language only. |
Buryat.amd | Buryat language support. | For recognition of the Buryat language only. |
Byelorus.amd | Belarussian language support. | For recognition of the Belarussian language only. |
Chamorro.amd | Chamorro language support. | For recognition of the Chamorro language only. |
Chechen.amd | Chechen language support. | For recognition of the Chechen language only. |
Chukcha.amd | Chukcha language support. | For recognition of the Chukcha language only. |
Chuvash.amd | Chuvash language support. | For recognition of the Chuvash language only. |
Corsican.amd | Corsican language support. | For recognition of the Corsican language only. |
CrimTat.amd | Crimean Tatar language support. | For recognition of the Crimean Tatar language only. |
Crow.amd | Crow language support. | For recognition of the Crow language only. |
Dargwa.amd | Dargwa language support. | For recognition of the Dargwa language only. |
Dungan.amd | Dungan language support. | For recognition of the Dungan language only. |
EskimoC.amd | Eskimo (Cyrillic) language support. | For recognition of the Eskimo (Cyrillic) language only. |
EskimoL.amd | Eskimo (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Eskimo (Latin) language only. |
Even.amd | Even language support. | For recognition of the Even language only. |
Evenki.amd | Evenki language support. | For recognition of the Evenki language only. |
Faeroese.amd | Faeroese language support. | For recognition of the Faeroese language only. |
Fijian.amd | Fijian language support. | For recognition of the Fijian language only. |
Flemmish.amd | Dutch (Flemmish, Belgium) language support. | For recognition of the Belgian Dutch (Flemmish) language only. |
Frisian.amd | Frisian language support. | For recognition of the Frisian language only. |
Friulian.amd | Friulian language support. | For recognition of the Friulian language only. |
GaelicSc.amd | Scottish Gaelic language support. | For recognition of the Scottish Gaelic language only. |
Gagauz.amd | Gagauz language support. | For recognition of the Gagauz language only. |
Galician.amd | Galician language support. | For recognition of the Galician language only. |
Ganda.amd | Ganda language support. | For recognition of the Ganda language only. |
Georgian.amd | Georgian language support. | For recognition of the Georgian language only. |
GermanLx.amd | German (Luxembourg) language support. | For recognition of the German (Luxembourg) language only. |
Guarani.amd | Guarani language support. | For recognition of the Guarani language only. |
Hani.amd | Hani language support. | For recognition of the Hani language only. |
Hausa.amd | Hausa language support. | For recognition of the Hausa language only. |
Hawaiian.amd | Hawaiian language support. | For recognition of the Hawaiian language only. |
Iceland.amd | Icelandic language support. | For recognition of the Icelandic language only. |
Ingush.amd | Ingush language support. | For recognition of the Ingush language only. |
Irish.amd | Irish language support. | For recognition of the Irish language only. |
Kabard.amd | Kabardian language support. | For recognition of the Kabardian language only. |
Kalmyk.amd | Kalmyk language support. | For recognition of the Kalmyk language only. |
Karachay.amd | Karachay-balkar language support. | For recognition of the Karachay-balkar language only. |
Karakalp.amd | Karakalpak language support. | For recognition of the Karakalpak language only. |
Kasub.amd | Kasub language support. | For recognition of the Kasub language only. |
Kawa.amd | Kawa language support. | For recognition of the Kawa language only. |
Kazakh.amd | Kazakh language support. | For recognition of the Kazakh language only. |
Khakas.amd | Khakas language support. | For recognition of the Khakas language only. |
Khanty.amd | Khanty language support. | For recognition of the Khanty language only. |
Kikuyu.amd | Kikuyu language support. | For recognition of the Kikuyu language only. |
Kirgiz.amd | Kirgiz language support. | For recognition of the Kirgiz language only. |
Kongo.amd | Kongo language support. | For recognition of the Kongo language only. |
Koryak.amd | Koryak language support. | For recognition of the Koryak language only. |
Kpelle.amd | Kpelle language support. | For recognition of the Kpelle language only. |
Kumyk.amd | Kumyk language support. | For recognition of the Kumyk language only. |
KurdishL.amd | Kurdish language support. | For recognition of the Kurdish language only. |
Lak.amd | Lak language support. | For recognition of the Lak language only. |
Lappish.amd | Sami (Lappish) language support. | For recognition of the Sami (Lappish) language only. |
Lezgin.amd | Lezgin language support. | For recognition of the Lezgin language only. |
Luba.amd | Luba language support. | For recognition of the Luba language only. |
Macedon.amd | Macedonian language support. | For recognition of the Macedonian language only. |
Malagasy.amd | Malagasy language support. | For recognition of the Malagasy language only. |
Malay.amd | Malay language support. | For recognition of the Malay language only. |
Malinke.amd | Malinke language support. | For recognition of the Malinke language only. |
Maltese.amd | Maltese language support. | For recognition of the Maltese language only. |
Mansi.amd | Mansi language support. | For recognition of the Mansi language only. |
Maori.amd | Maori language support. | For recognition of the Maori language only. |
Mari.amd | Mari language support. | For recognition of the Mari language only. |
Maya.amd | Maya language support. | For recognition of the Maya language only. |
Miao.amd | Miao language support. | For recognition of the Miao language only. |
Minankab.amd | Minangkabau language support. | For recognition of the Minangkabau language only. |
Mohawk.amd | Mohawk language support. | For recognition of the Mohawk language only. |
Moldav.amd | Romanian (Moldavia) language support. | For recognition of the Romanian (Moldavia) language only. |
Mongol.amd | Mongol language support. | For recognition of the Mongol language only. |
Mordvin.amd | Mordvin language support. | For recognition of the Mordvin language only. |
Nahuatl.amd | Nahuatl language support. | For recognition of the Nahuatl language only. |
Nenets.amd | Nenets language support. | For recognition of the Nenets language only. |
Nivkh.amd | Nivkh language support. | For recognition of the Nivkh language only. |
Nogay.amd | Nogay language support. | For recognition of the Nogay language only. |
Numbers.amd | Digits recognition support. | For recognition of digits. |
Nyanja.amd | Nyanja language support. | For recognition of the Nyanja language only. |
Ojibway.amd | Ojibway language support. | For recognition of the Ojibway language only. |
Ossetic.amd | Ossetian language support. | For recognition of the Ossetian language only. |
Papiamen.amd | Papiamento language support. | For recognition of the Papiamento language only. |
Pidgin.amd | Tok Pisin language support. | For recognition of the Tok Pisin language only. |
Provenc.amd | Provencal language support. | For recognition of the Provencal language only. |
Quechua.amd | Quechua language support. | For recognition of the Quechua language only. |
Rhaetian.amd | Rhaeto-Romanic language support. | For recognition of the Rhaeto-Romanic language only. |
Romany.amd | Romany language support. | For recognition of the Romany language only. |
Ruanda.amd | Ruanda language support. | For recognition of the Ruanda language only. |
Rundi.amd | Rundi language support. | For recognition of the Rundi language only. |
Samoan.amd | Samoan language support. | For recognition of the Samoan language only. |
Selkup.amd | Selkup language support. | For recognition of the Selkup language only. |
Serbian.amd | Serbian (Cyrillic) language support. | For recognition of the Serbian (Cyrillic) language only. |
SerbianL.amd | Serbian (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Serbian (Latin) language only. |
Shona.amd | Shona language support. | For recognition of the Shona language only. |
Sioux.amd | Sioux language support. | For recognition of the Sioux language only. |
Somali.amd | Somali language support. | For recognition of the Somali language only. |
Sorbian.amd | Sorbian language support. | For recognition of the Sorbian language only. |
Sotho.amd | Sotho language support. | For recognition of the Sotho language only. |
Sunda.amd | Sunda language support. | For recognition of the Sunda language only. |
Swahili.amd | Swahili language support. | For recognition of the Swahili language only. |
Swazi.amd | Swazi language support. | For recognition of the Swazi language only. |
Tabassar.amd | Tabassaran language support. | For recognition of the Tabassaran language only. |
Tagalog.amd | Tagalog language support. | For recognition of the Tagalog language only. |
Tahitian.amd | Tahitian language support. | For recognition of the Tahitian language only. |
Tajik.amd | Tajik language support. | For recognition of the Tajik language only. |
Tinpo.amd | Jingpo language support. | For recognition of the Jingpo language only. |
Tongan.amd | Tongan language support. | For recognition of the Tongan language only. |
Tswana.amd | Tswana language support. | For recognition of the Tswana language only. |
Tun.amd | Tun language support. | For recognition of the Tun language only. |
Turkmen.amd | Turkmen language support. | For recognition of the Turkmen language only. |
TurkmenLatin.amd | Turkmen (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Turkmen (Latin) language only. |
Tuvin.amd | Tuvinian language support. | For recognition of the Tuvinian language only. |
Udmurt.amd | Udmurt language support. | For recognition of the Udmurt language only. |
UighurC.amd | Uighur (Cyrillic) language support. | For recognition of the Uighur (Cyrillic) language only. |
UighurL.amd | Uighur (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Uighur (Latin) language only. |
UzbekCyr.amd | Uzbek (Cyrillic) language support. | For recognition of the Uzbek (Cyrillic) language only. |
UzbekLat.amd | Uzbek (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Uzbek (Latin) language only. |
Visayan.amd | Cebuano language support. | For recognition of the Cebuano language only. |
Welsh.amd | Welsh language support. | For recognition of the Welsh language only. |
Wolof.amd | Wolof language support. | For recognition of the Wolof language only. |
Xhosa.amd | Xhosa language support. | For recognition of the Xhosa language only. |
Yakut.amd | Yakut language support. | For recognition of the Yakut language only. |
Zapotec.amd | Zapotec language support. | For recognition of the Zapotec language only. |
Zulu.amd | Zulu language support. | For recognition of the Zulu language only. |
ArmEast.amd ArmEast.amt |
Armenian (Eastern) language support. | For recognition of the Armenian (Eastern) language only. |
ArmGrab.amd ArmGrab.amt |
Armenian (Grabar) language support. | For recognition of the Armenian (Grabar) language only. |
ArmWest.amd ArmWest.amt |
Armenian (Western) language support. | For recognition of the Armenian (Western) language only. |
AzeriLatin.amd AzeriLatin.amt |
Azerbaijani (Latin) language support. | For recognition of the Azerbaijani (Latin) language only. |
Bangla.amd | Bangla language support. | For recognition of the Bangla language only. |
Bashkir.amd Bashkir.amt |
Bashkir language support. | For recognition of the Bashkir language only. |
Bulgar.amd Bulgar.amt |
Bulgarian language support. | For recognition of the Bulgarian language only. |
Catalan.amd Catalan.amt |
Catalan language support. | For recognition of the Catalan language only. |
Croatian.amd Croatian.amt |
Croatian language support. | For recognition of the Croatian language only. |
Czech.amd Czech.amt |
Czech language support. | For recognition of the Czech language only. |
Danish.amd Danish.amt |
Danish language support. | For recognition of the Danish language only. |
Dutch.amd Dutch.amt |
Dutch language support. | For recognition of the Dutch language only. |
English.amd English.amt |
English language support. | For recognition of the English language only. |
Eston.amd Eston.amt |
Estonian language support. | For recognition of the Estonian language only. |
Farsi.amd | Farsi language support. | For recognition of the Farsi language only. |
Finnish.amd Finnish.amt |
Finnish language support. | For recognition of the Finnish language only. |
French.amd French.amt |
French language support. | For recognition of the French language only. |
German.amd German.amt |
German language support. | For recognition of the German language only. |
GermanNS.amd | German (new spelling) language support. | For recognition of the German (new spelling) language only. |
Greek.amd Greek.amt |
Greek language support. | For recognition of the Greek language only. |
Hungar.amd Hungar.amt |
Hungarian language support. | For recognition of the Hungarian language only. |
Indonesian.amd Indonesian.amt |
Indonesian language support. | For recognition of the Indonesian language only. |
Italian.amd Italian.amt |
Italian language support. | For recognition of the Italian language only. |
Latin.amd Latin.amt |
Latin language support. | For recognition of the Latin language only. |
Latvian.amd Latvian.amt |
Latvian language support. | For recognition of the Latvian language only. |
Lithuan.amd Lithuan.amt |
Lithuanian language support. | For recognition of the Lithuanian language only. |
NorwBok.amd NorwBok.amt |
Norwegian (Bokmal) language support. | For recognition of the Norwegian (Bokmal) language only. |
NorwNyn.amd NorwNyn.amt |
Norwegian (Nynorsk) language support. | For recognition of the Norwegian (Nynorsk) language only. |
Polish.amd Polish.amt |
Polish language support. | For recognition of the Polish language only. |
Portug.amd Portug.amt |
Portuguese (Portugal) language support. | For recognition of the Portuguese (Portugal) language only. |
PortugueseBrazilian.amd PortugueseBrazilian.amt |
Portuguese (Brazilian) language support. | For recognition of the Portuguese (Brazilian) language only. |
Roman.amd Roman.amt |
Romanian language support. | For recognition of the Romanian language only. |
Russian.amd Russian.amt |
Russian language support. | For recognition of the Russian language only. |
RusOS.amd RusOS.amt |
Russian (old spelling) language support. | For recognition of the Russian (old spelling) language only. |
RussianWithAccent.amd | Russian (with accents) language support. | For recognition of the Russian language with accents only. |
Slovak.amd Slovak.amt |
Slovak language support. | For recognition of the Slovak language only. |
Sloven.amd Sloven.amt |
Slovenian language support. | For recognition of the Slovenian language only. |
Spanish.amd Spanish.amt |
Spanish language support. | For recognition of the Spanish language only. |
Swedish.amd Swedish.amt |
Swedish language support. | For recognition of the Swedish language only. |
Tatar.amd Tatar.amt |
Tatar language support. | For recognition of the Tatar language only. |
Turkish.amd Turkish.amt |
Turkish language support. | For recognition of the Turkish language only. |
Ukrainian.amd Ukrainian.amt |
Ukrainian language support. | For recognition of the Ukrainian language only. |
Yiddish.amd | Yiddish language support. | For recognition of the Yiddish language only. |
Arabic.amd Arabic.amt |
Arabic language support. | For recognition of the Arabic language only. |
Vietnamese.amd | Vietnamese language support. | For recognition of the Vietnamese language only. |
Thai.amd Thai.amt |
Thai language support. | For recognition of the Thai language only. |
LatvianGothic.amd | Support of the Latvian language written in the Gothic script. | For recognition of the Latvian language written in the Gothic script only. |
OldEnglish.amd OldEnglish.amt |
Old English language support. | For recognition of the Old English language only. |
OldFrench.amd OldFrench.amt |
Old French language support. | For recognition of the Old French language only. |
OldGerman.amd OldGerman.amt |
Old German language support. | For recognition of the Old German language only. |
OldItalian.amd OldItalian.amt |
Old Italian language support. | For recognition of the Old Italian language only. |
OldSlavonic.amd | Old Slavonic language support. | For recognition of the Old Slavonic language only. |
OldSpanish.amd OldSpanish.amt |
Old Spanish language support. | For recognition of the Old Spanish language only. |
Hebrew.amd Hebrew.amt |
Hebrew language support. | For recognition of the Hebrew language only. |
Japanese.amd JapaneseModern.amd |
Japanese language support. | For recognition of the Japanese language only. |
ChinesePRC.amd | Chinese (PRC) language support. | For recognition of the Chinese (PRC) language only. |
ChineseTaiwan.amd | Chinese (Taiwan) language support. | For recognition of the Chinese (Taiwan) language only. |
Korean.amd | Korean and Korean (Hangul) language support. | For recognition of the Korean and Korean (Hangul) languages only. |
Esperan.amd | Esperanto language support. | For recognition of the Esperanto language only. |
Ido.amd | Ido language support. | For recognition of the Ido language only. |
Interlin.amd | Interlingua language support. | For recognition of the Interlingua language only. |
Occident.amd | Occidental language support. | For recognition of the Occidental language only. |
Data/ExtendedDictionaries/Langpack/Formal folder | ||
Payload.zmd | Formal languages support. | For recognition of the programming languages only (Basic, C/C++, COBOL, Fortran, Java, Pascal). |
{V0-22E64A89D1137302EAACCF749086C24B5974F2B0}.amd {V0-36435FB482392B810B3206A6AF57D44F95E8499F}.amd {V0-3BF414AD0794BB84A96FF6FDC19355B6E4C7D478}.amd {V0-466263E8C93F599AE1433E54D5E12B010875ED03}.amd {V0-7145C464BEAC2539DAC3DE261E1EE67FB22F01E7}.amd {V0-C82AFAE20E8DD3760B746627CF389DCFF11B918B}.amd |
Additional files with keywords for recognition of formal languages. | For recognition of the programming languages: Basic, C/C++, COBOL, Fortran, Java, Pascal. |
Data/ExtendedDictionaries/Langpack/Forms folder | ||
Payload.zmd | Support for special language units (e.g. addresses, names, etc.). | For recognition of special language units in the Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English (the United Kingdom and the United States), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin), Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian languages. Additionally, the special language units similar for the majority of languages are supported. |
All {V0-####}.amd files that are not explicitly listed here (#### is a 40-character alphanumeric id) | Additional files with keywords for the languages that are provided with the support for recognizing special language units (addresses, names, or dates). | Redistribute these files if your application uses the special language units recognition functionality. |
Data/ExtendedDictionaries/Langpack/Formulas folder | ||
Payload.zmd | Formula languages support. | For recognition of simple chemical and mathematical formulas only. |
{V0-CE0BCE31398A66F317F4ABC5A696EDF8188DBB64}.amd | Additional files with keywords for recognition of formula languages. | For recognition of the formula languages: Chemistry, Mathematical. |
Data/ExtendedDictionaries/Langpack/Mrf folder | ||
Payload.zmd | Support for languages of the machine-readable fonts. | For recognition of texts in the OCR-A and OCR-B fonts, MICR CMC-7 and MICR E-13B characters. |
Root folder | ||
EULA0.rtf | The file of End User License Agreement for products with ABBYY FineReader Engine. | No. |
Note: Normally you do not need to register FREngine.dll. The library is registered automatically during the Developer installation or the Runtime installation with default parameters. If you have to register FREngine.dll (for example, during manual installation), use the following command line:
regsvr32 /s /n /i:"<path to the Inc folder>" "<path to FREngine.dll>"
Interface language identifiers
The following resource files for different interface languages are identified by the postfix numbers in filenames (# is the number):
- AInfo#.dll
- FineUI#.dll
- FREngine#.dll
- FREngineProcessor#.dll
- MorphoRes#.dll
- ProtectionRes#.dll
- Scan#.dll
- SendToSupport#.dll
- Shell#.dll
- TechResources#.dll
- TrainingUI#.dll
Corresponding languages are:
- 0 — English
- 1 — Russian
- 2 — German
- 3 — French
- 4 — Ukrainian
- 5 — Spanish
- 6 — Italian
- 7 — Dutch
- 8 — Danish
- 9 — Swedish
- 14 — Slovak
- 15 — Polish
- 16 — Czech
- 17 — Hungarian
- 20 — Estonian
- 22 — Greek
- 23 — Bulgarian
- 24 — Turkish
- 26 — Japanese
- 27 — Portuguese (Brazil)
- 63 — Korean
- 64 — Chinese (PRC)
- 65 — Chinese (Taiwan)
See also
9/17/2024 3:14:40 PM