ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 and 9.0/9.5 Compatibility

ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 is not binary compatible with ABBYY FineReader Engine 9.0/9.5. Applications that were compiled using ABBYY FineReader Engine 9.0/9.5 should be recompiled using ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 headers and library. Some changes of the source code may be necessary because of the ABBYY FineReader Engine API improvements.

The full list of changes:

  • long data type has been replaced with int data type in all properties and methods that used it.
  • The GetEngineObject function was removed from ABBYY FineReader Engine. The Engine object must now be loaded by the InitializeEngine function.
  • The SaveToMemory method provided by many objects returns the handle to the memory buffer as the Handle object.
  • The LoadFromMemory method provided by many objects receives the pointer to the memory buffer as __int64.

Engine object

Engine for Java

Image-related objects

Layout-related objects

Language-related objects

Text-related objects

Document-related objects

Mechanism objects

Parameter objects

License-related objects

Supplementary objects

See also

ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components 11 and 9 Compatibility

9/17/2024 3:14:40 PM

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