OfficeConverters Object (IOfficeConverters Interface)

This object represents a collection of OfficeConverterTypeEnum constants which denote the types of applications that could be used to convert incoming digital documents. The applications are sorted in the order of usage priority.


  • The indexing of ABBYY FineReader Engine collections starts with 0.
  • The foreach statement in C# (for each in Visual Basic .NET) can be used to manipulate the collection.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Count int, read-only Stores the number of elements in the collection.
Element OfficeConverterTypeEnum Provides access to a single element of the collection.


Name Description

Adds a constant at the end of the collection.

If the specified constant is already present in the collection, an error will be returned.

DeleteAll Removes all the elements from the collection.
DeleteAt Removes an element from the collection.
Find Returns the index of the specified constant in the collection.
InsertAt Inserts a constant into the specified position in the collection.
Item Provides access to a single element of the collection.

Related objects

Object Diagram

See also

Working with Collections

Supported Digital Document Input Formats

17.09.2024 15:14:40

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