MrzJsonExportParams Object (IMrzJsonExportParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning parameters of the captured machine-readable zone (MRZ) export to JSON format by means of ABBYY FineReader Engine export functions. A pointer to this object is passed into the export methods as an input parameter, and thus affects the results of export. All properties of a newly created object of this type are set to reasonable defaults. For more information about the default value of this or that property, see the description of the corresponding property.

The resulting file format is described in JSON file for MRZ.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
WriteNondeskewedCoordinates VARIANT_BOOL

Specifies whether the coordinates of the captured MRZ and saved in a file in JSON format should be defined on an original image or on an image used for capture (to which different modifications, e.g., deskewing, were applied).

This property is FALSE by default, which means that the coordinates are defined on an image used for capture.

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the CreateMrzJsonExportParams method of the Engine object.

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the ExportToFileEx method of the MrzData object.

See also

Tuning Export Parameters

Working with Profiles

Working with Properties

Machine-Readable Zone Capture

9/17/2024 3:14:40 PM

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