RemoveFromPage Method of the PDFPicture Object

This method deletes a picture position from a document page.



HRESULT RemoveFromPage( int PageIndex );


void RemoveFromPage( int PageIndex );

Visual Basic .NET

Sub RemoveFromPage( PageIndex As Integer )


[in] Specifies the page index from which a picture position should be deleted. The default value is -1, which means that the image position will be deleted from all pages, provided that the same value for page index has been specified using the SetLocation method. If you need to delete the pictures positions from certain pages, you should list the indexes of the desired pages, for example, (4, 8, 11, 19).


Alternatively, you may also use the DeleteAt method to remove an element from the collection.

Return values

This function has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.

See also


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