EditorPosition Object (IEditorPosition Interface)

This object specifies the cursor position in the document: the page, the block on the page, the cell (in a table block), the paragraph in the block (or cell), and the symbol in the paragraph.


Name Type Description
Block int Specifies the index of the block in the ILayout::VisualBlocks collection.
Cell int Specifies the index of the cell (in the table block). If the cursor position is not in a table block, the value of this property is -1.
Page int Specifies the index of the page in the document.
Paragraph int Specifies the index of the paragraph. If the cursor position is in a picture block, the value of this property is -1.
Symbol int Specifies the index of the symbol in the paragraph. If the cursor position is in a picture block, the value of this property is -1.

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the GetSelection method of the TextEditor object.

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the following methods:

See also



17.09.2024 15:14:40

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