Machine-Readable Zone Fields
ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 provides extraction of the following machine-readable zone (MRZ) fields:
Field type | Description |
DocumentType | The type of a document. |
DocumentSubtype | The subtype of a document (if exists). |
IssuingCountry | Code of issuing state (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code). |
LastName | Document holder's surname. |
GivenName | One or several given names separated with the space character. |
DocumentNumber | The number of the document (this field contains 9 digits in the ICAO Standard passports and 10 digits in the Russian national passport). |
Nationality | Document holder's nationality (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code). |
BirthDate | Document holder's date of birth. |
Sex | Document holder's sex. |
ExpiryDate | Document date of expiry. |
PersonalNumber | Document holder's personal number (if exists). |
OptionalDataLine1 | Optional data from the first line of the 2-line or 3-line MRZ. |
OptionalDataLine2 | Optional data from the second line of the 2-line or 3-line MRZ. |
See also
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