Creating an Application with a Graphical User Interface

When creating an application with a user interface, you can use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components. Visual Components provide ready-to-use blocks for constructing your own user interface for an OCR application.

You can show processing documents to the user of your application, allow the user to verify recognition results, and edit recognized text. Visual Components can be useful in all processing scenarios: a preview of the processing image may be shown in the Image Preprocessing scenario, text editing can be provided in the Document Conversion scenario, while verification is extremely useful in Field-Level Recognition scenario.

Let's look at the simple OCR application from the user interface point of view. A document goes through several processing steps:

  1. Image opening

You can show the opened image to the user and allow the user to navigate between pages of the processing document.

  1. Recognition

To extract text data from a document, the document needs to be recognized. You can show recognized text to the user and allow him to edit the text.

  1. Verification

The recognized text may need to be verified. You can show both the source image and the recognized text to the user in order that they can be compared.

  1. Export

The recognized document can be saved to a suitable storage format or opened in an external application.

Below follows a detailed description of the way to use ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components.

Important! The Visual Components require Microsoft Windows Common Controls of version 6.0 or later.

Step 1. Adding Visual Components to the form of your application

Step 2. Synchronizing Visual Components

Step 3. Loading ABBYY FineReader Engine

Step 4. Image opening

Step 5. Recognizing documents

Step 6. Verifying recognition results

Step 7. Exporting results

Step 8. Unloading ABBYY FineReader Engine

You can find a sample implementation of the described procedure in the Visual Components sample.

See also

Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component

Using Visual Components in Different Versions of Visual Studio

17.09.2024 15:14:40

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