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Visual Components Reference

ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components provide a graphical user interface similar to the interface of ABBYY FineReader. With Visual Components, you can easily create an application for viewing and editing images, editing and verifying recognized text, and monitoring document processing.

The FineReader Engine Visual Components is the library of ActiveX components and auxiliary COM classes. This library allows you to view and edit the contents of FRDocument and FRPage objects with the help of the following main ActiveX components:

  • The ImageViewer component allows you to view and edit images and layout blocks.
  • The ZoomViewer component displays an enlarged image of the line or processed image area currently being edited.
  • In the DocumentViewer component you can view the list of document pages, monitor their state, and save recognized pages.
  • The TextEditor component allows you to view and edit recognized text.
  • In the TextValidator component you can verify uncertainly recognized characters in a text.

This section provides detailed description of the ActiveX components and auxiliary COM objects, their properties, and methods.

You can find useful information on how to work with ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components in the Using Graphical User Interface Elements section.

ABBYY FineReader Engine also provides graphical user interface for scanning, patterns training and user dictionary editing. These interface elements are produced by some methods of ABBYY FineReader Engine API. See the following sections in the Guided Tour for details: Scanning, Recognizing with Training and Training User Patterns, and Working with Dictionaries.

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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