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OnSendToPages Method of the IDocumentViewerEvents Interface

This method is implemented on the client-side. It is called by ABBYY FineReader Engine sending recognized pages from Document Viewer to an external application. The process is invoked if one of the following commands is called:

The commands can be called using the corresponding items in the context menu, or using the DoCommand method of the IDocumentViewer::Commands. See the Document Viewer Commands list for details.

The method delivers to the client information on the application, to which the pages are going to be sent, and the parameters of export. With the help of this method it is possible to cancel the operation.



HRESULT OnSendToPages(
  SendToDestinationEnum Destination,
  IUnknown*             ExportParams,
  VARIANT_BOOL*         Cancel


void OnSendToPages(
  SendToDestinationEnum Destination,
  object                ExportParams,
  out bool              Cancel

Visual Basic .NET

Sub OnSendToPages(
  Destination As SendToDestinationEnum, _
  ExportParams As Object, _
  ByRef Cancel As Boolean


[in] Specifies the destination application, where recognized pages are sent. See the description of the SendToDestinationEnum constants.
[in] Refers to the export parameters object of the type corresponding to the destination application. For example, if pages are sent to Microsoft Word, it refers to the RTFExportParams object.
[out] You may set this variable to TRUE to indicate that the process should be terminated. In this case, pages will not be sent.

Return values

[C++ only] If this method returns a value other than S_OK, it indicates that an error occurred on the client-side, and in this case the value of the Cancel parameter is not taken into account.


The client implementation of this method must assure that all exceptions thrown inside the method are caught and handled and no exceptions are propagated outside the method. Propagation of an exception outside the method may lead to unpredictable results (such as program termination).

See also


9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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