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MrzField Object (IMrzField Interface)

This object contains the information about a field extracted from a machine-readable zone (MRZ).


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Checksum BSTR

Specifies the checksum of the field.

Note: This property makes sense only if the HasChecksum property is TRUE. If the HasChecksum property is FALSE, an error will be returned.

HasChecksum VARIANT_BOOL, read-only Returns TRUE if the field has a checksum.
IsChecksumVerified VARIANT_BOOL, read-only

Returns TRUE if the checksum is verified.

Note: This property makes sense only if the HasChecksum property is TRUE. If the HasChecksum property is FALSE, an error will be returned.

Region Region, read-only Returns the field region.
Text BSTR, read-only Returns the field value.
Type MrzFieldTypeEnum, read-only Returns the field type.


Name Description
GetCharParams Returns parameters of a single character in the field.
Insert Inserts a text fragment.
Remove Deletes a text fragment.

Related objects

Object Diagram

See also


Machine-Readable Zone Fields

Machine-Readable Zone Capture

Working with Properties

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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