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FRRectangle Object (IFRRectangle Interface)

This object represents the location and size of a rectangle. It is used in a number of ABBYY FineReader Engine methods and properties as input or output parameter.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Bottom int, read-only Returns the coordinate of the bottom border of the rectangle.
Height int Specifies the height of the rectangle.
Left int Specifies the coordinate of the left border of the rectangle.
Right int, read-only Returns the coordinate of the right border of the rectangle.
Top int Specifies the coordinate of the top border of the rectangle.
Width int Specifies the width of the rectangle.


Name Description
CopyFrom Initializes properties of the current object with values of similar properties of another object.
SetRectangle Sets the location and size of the rectangle. This method receives the left and top coordinates of the rectangle, and its width and height.
SetRectangleFromLTRB Sets the location and size of the rectangle. This method receives the left, right, top and bottom coordinates of the rectangle.

Related objects

Object Diagram

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the following methods:

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the following methods:

Related Visual Components

See also

Working with Properties

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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